cat161.gifVALENTINES is a dating sim (if only I could code bruh) inspired storycat37.gif

cat217.gifJanuary 31stcat396.gif
10:00 AM, your alarm goes off.
Waking up, you find yourself feeling unusual. Perhaps colder?
There is a silence in your chest. Are you breathing? Is your heart beating?
"Am I alive?"
You scramble to catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.

There, you see a cartoonishly heart-shaped hole located where the real one once was.
Before you can question anything, two unusual people step through the glass!  
A pair of self-proclaimed "matchmakers", who explain that you need to find a partner by Valentine's Day, lest your heart be lost forever.
And to top it all off, it turns out you've been cursed...all because they lost a bet?!

With two weeks left until your unruly demise, how will you find love?
You chalk this up to being a lengthy dream but as Vday approaches, the world around you gets stranger.

cat164.gifMock Game Details cat93.gif
- Hart is the protagonist/player! Gender would be interchangeable depending on whatever you want to play as.
They are a regular human, age 24, and a hopeless romantic who's never dated anyone in their life.
- Out of the two matchmakers, you will select one of them to aid you and the other will act as narrator.
- Everyone in this folder would technically be a romanceable option aside from the matchmakers and Amour
If this were a real game, then Amour would be post-game unlockable & Caradoc/Vevina would be a secret route
-It seems almost all the romance options are...... inhuman.............. is it a coincidence..... ?




At the start of the story, Hart IS actually dead, and that is why all the people they encounter are inhuman.
They are unaware of this until the end, when it is revealed that they have an undiagnosed congenital heart issue.
The Earth they are on is an alternate reality in which only immortals reside.
At first they do truly think they're dreaming, hence why they don't treat this as unusual.

The aforementioned "bet" had to do with whether or not Hart would find love before they died.
The two matchmakers bet yes, while Amour, the goddess of love, bet no.
She didn't bet no because she didn't believe in them, but because she knew what would happen.
Foreseeing the outcome, she reached out to the two most love-driven immortals she could find.
Amour knew they would bet yes, and she would then utilize this to bargain for pity with the god of death.
Once the duo witnessed Hart's passing, they protested so loudly the whole realm could hear it.

The real bet was then formulated between Amour and the goddess of death, Grimrose.
Amour had planned to do this from the start, but didn't have enough of an argument to bargain for the life of a single human.
While mortal souls are under the jurisdiction of gods, the ones that sit between life and death are a bit more complicated.
The result of this bet could not be foreseen and was now out of both of these gods' hands.
Thus in their current state, if Hart does find love, she will grant them another chance at life.
If they don't...well. It won't be pretty. 

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