


3 years, 1 month ago


23 de diciembre
9 años
O. Sexual
  • Peluches
  • Animales
  • LLuvia
  • Música
  • Las mentiras
  • El odio
  • Arañas
  • Miel

Art by: 九重みつる||ハイコ

Haroon es ciego, incapaz de ver lo que lo rodea, es un problema para cualquier niño, pero él agradece poder seguir viviendo, y lo considera un pequeño obstáculo que lo acompañará durante todo un largo camino. Le ocurrió en un accidente de auto.


Importante: Lin, Ethan y Haroon tienen la misma historia, por lo que si leíste la de Ethan o Lin ya sabrás la de Haroon y viceversa.

¿Sabes? La vida es compleja y tediosa, en todas su facetas, en cualquier etapa, no importa lo larga o corta que sea, aún así será complicada. Despiertas una mañana y te das cuenta que los años pasan y te inquietas, corres y te caes, lloras y te enamoras, gritas y te escondes en tu propio refugio, esa habitación de siempre, descolorida y desordenada a la que le debes tantas cosas. Y piensas en el porqué haces lo que haces, no hay respuesta, y temes nunca tenerla, y repasas tu vida como si fuera una película, despiertas y te miras en el espejo, con ojeras marcadas, y algunas lágrimas que escapan. No te sientas mal, no eres el único encerrado en su mundo, cayendo en su abismo. Mirate y sonríe, porque tú eres la persona más linda que alguien pudo crear, porque tú lo vales, olvida a los demás, sonríe por ti misma y no te vuelvas a fallar.

El día que naciste no pasó nada excepcional, pero tras una ventana se podía observar una hermosa pareja y dos gotas de cristal, dos pequeños hermanos, agarrados de la mano, durmiendo a la par, escuchando unas voces que los vinieron a arrullar. Un 25 de noviembre dos regalos nacieron, y desde ese día el mundo observó sereno como aprendían a caminar, y los pasos del otro controlar.

9 años de felicidad pasaron y la paz se rompió, comenzaron a pelear por cualquier tontería, porque cualquier cosa era buena excusa para gritarle a tu hermano, porque le gritabas "¡Desaparece!" aunque no hablaras en serio, porque esperabas paciente que tu madre se fijara en ti, aunque siempre lo hacía pero tú no mirabas, estabas cegada por la ira acumulada, porque los niños son celosos hasta un punto asfixiante, y si tocas sus cosas quizás no te perdonen, porque lo que es suyo es suyo y no se los niegues.

Una noche de primavera una joven falleció, Dios sabe porque se la llevó, dos niños lloraban y se abrazaban, mientras sus manos se entrelazaban, resguardándose de todos, porque querían irse lejos, donde nadie los viera, donde el tiempo se parara y lo inevitable no pasara, donde su madre siguiera con vida cantándoles al oído miles de canciones de cuna, los arropara, y finalmente besara para alejar las pesadillas de sus mentes infantiles, donde ella era el héroe en un mundo lleno de peligros.

Comenzó la indiferencia en aquel joven pelirrojo, para olvidarse del mundo, y actuar a su antojo, salía con miles, no amaba a ninguno, fumaba desde joven pero le importaba muy poco, sus juntas eran malas pero nada le importaba, desde ese día perdió el amor por sí mismo y se encerró en su propio suplicio.

Comenzó la ira y el malhumor en aquella joven de pelo rojizo, las peleas fueron su salvación, su bote salvavidas en el océano que ella misma lloró.

Años pasaron y el padre de ambos jóvenes se volvió a casar, al principio enojados, en contra se pusieron, y luego de tantos años volvieron a juntarse, para hacerle la vida miserable a la nueva amante de su solitario padre. La hermandad que creyeron perdida volvió a surgir, como brasas quemando hasta el último rincón de los bosques. Aunque su cometido no lograron realizar, sirvió para encontrar lo que creían perdido.

En una mañana de invierno un pequeño niño nació, aquel delicado rayo de sol que sus días alumbró. Este pequeño llamado Haroon fue la luz de sus padres y la salvación de sus medio hermanos. Todos lo amaban y mimaban, y la vida siguió su curso como siempre tuvo que ser. El joven pelirrojo ya no se juntaba con malas influencias y dejó el cigarrillo reemplazándolo por dulces, aún sin ser lo mejor un cambio es un cambio, por muy grande o pequeño que este sea; y su gemela nunca dejo el malhumor, pero no lo hacía adrede, sino solamente con quienes no tenía la confianza suficiente, un metodo para protegerse, un hábito del que jamás se pudo recuperar.

A la edad de 7 años Haroon era un niño de lo más educado, cordial y amable, mucho más maduro que sus hermanos e inteligente, nadie lo odiaba ¿como hacerlo? si su sonrisa te aliviana el alma.

Él y su medio hermano decidieron viajar, pero en una curva hallarían el desastre del que solo el mayor se pudo salvar. Haroon perdió la vista. Todos lloraron, su medio hermano arrepentido le lloró días y noches, pero viendo que no existían los milagros simplemente se volvió su guardian, su protector, aún sin saber hacer nada bien quería protegerlo, cuidarlo como no pudo hacerlo, sobra decir que nunca más viajó en auto, y menos tomó el volante de uno.

Ahora, los inseparables gemelos viven donde se les plazca, mayormente lugares con playa, cortesía del chico, que a pesar de cambiar sus juntas no se deshizo de sus viejas costumbres de galán.

La joven estudia en la universidad, busca convertirse en maestra jardinera, lo sé, difícil de creer con su arisca personalidad, considera aquellas criaturas honestas llevadas por simples muestras de impulsividad, sabe que educándolos bien en el futuro tendrán de que agradecerle.

Haroon vive en Italia, su ciudad natal, junto a sus padres, y a pesar de haber perdido la vista siente que ganó el desarrollo de sus otros 4 sentidos, y sonríe, porque no hay mayor cura que una sonrisa, y sonríe porque sabe que un día no podrá hacerlo mas, y sonríe, porque le gusta como se siente olvidarse de lo demás.

Lin Hermana mayor

Le encanta el camino que esta recorriendo, y le gustaría parecerse un poco a ella.

Ethan Hermano mayor

Desearía que no se culpara tanto por lo que pasó. Él jamás lo señalaría.

December 23rd
9 years
  • Plushies
  • Animals
  • Rain
  • Music
  • Lies
  • Hate
  • Spiders
  • Honey

Art by: 九重みつる||ハイコ

Haroon is blind, unable to see what is around him, it is a problem for any child, but he is grateful to be able to go on living, and he considers it a small obstacle that will accompany him for a long way. It happened to him in a car accident.


Important: Lin, Ethan and Haroon have the same story, so if you read Ethan's or Lin's story you will already know Haroon's story and vice versa.

You know? Life is complex and tedious, in all its facets, at any stage, no matter how long or short it is, it will still be complicated. You wake up one morning and realize the years are passing and you fidget, you run and you fall, you cry and you fall in love, you scream and you hide in your own shelter, that usual room, faded and messy to which you owe so many things. And you think about why you do what you do, there is no answer, and you fear you will never have one, and you go over your life as if it was a movie, you wake up and look at yourself in the mirror, with dark circles under your eyes, and some tears escaping. Don't feel bad, you are not the only one locked in your world, falling into your abyss. Look at yourself and smile, because you are the most beautiful person anyone could create, because you are worth it, forget the others, smile for yourself and don't fail yourself again.

The day you were born nothing exceptional happened, but behind a window you could observe a beautiful couple and two drops of glass, two little brothers, holding hands, sleeping side by side, listening to voices that came to lull them to sleep. On November 25th two gifts were born, and from that day the world watched serenely as they learned to walk, and the steps of the other to control.

9 years of happiness passed and the peace was broken, you started fighting for any nonsense, because anything was a good excuse to yell at your brother, because you yelled "Get lost!" even though you didn't mean it, because you waited patiently for your mother to notice you, even though she always did but you didn't look, you were blinded by the accumulated anger, because children are jealous to a suffocating point, and if you touch their things they might not forgive you, because what is theirs is theirs and don't deny it to them.

One spring night a young girl died, God knows why she was taken, two children cried and hugged each other, while their hands intertwined, sheltering from everyone, because they wanted to go far away, where no one would see them, where time would stop and the inevitable would not happen, where their mother would still be alive, singing thousands of lullabies in their ears, tucking them in, and finally kissing them to keep the nightmares away from their children's minds, where she was the hero in a world full of dangers.

The indifference began in that young red-haired man, to forget the world, and act as he pleased, he went out with thousands, he did not love anyone, he smoked since he was young but he cared very little, his meetings were bad but nothing mattered to him, since that day he lost the love for himself and locked himself in his own torture.

Anger and bad temper began in that reddish-haired young woman, the fights were her salvation, her lifeboat in the ocean that she cried.

Years passed and the father of both young men remarried, at first both were angry, they opposed the wedding, and after so many years they got together again, to make life miserable for the new lover of his lonely father. The brotherhood that they thought was lost, like embers burning in the last corner of the woods, came back to life. Although their task was not accomplished, it served to find what they thought was lost.

On a winter morning a little boy was born, that delicate ray of sunshine that brightened their days. This little boy named Haroon was the light of his parents and the salvation of his half-siblings. Everyone loved and pampered him, and life went on as it was always meant to be. The young red-haired boy no longer hung out with bad influences and gave up cigarettes, replacing them with sweets, even if it wasn't the best, a change is a change, no matter how big or small it may be; and his twin never gave up her grumpiness, but she didn't do it on purpose, but only with those she didn't trust enough, a method to protect herself, a habit from which she could never recover.

At the age of 7 Haroon was a very polite, cordial and kind boy, much more mature than his brother and sister, and very intelligent, nobody hated him, how could they? if his smile brightens your soul.

He and his half-brother decided to travel, but at a turn they would meet disaster from which only the eldest could be saved. Haroon lost his sight. Everyone cried, his half-brother mourned him for days and nights, but seeing that miracles did not exist, he simply became his guardian, his protector, even without knowing how to do anything right, he wanted to protect him, to take care of him as he could not, needless to say that he never traveled by car again.

Now, the inseparable twins live wherever they please, mostly places with beaches, courtesy of the boy, who despite changing his joints did not get rid of his old gallant ways.

The young woman is studying at the university, looking to become a kindergarten teacher, I know, hard to believe with her surly personality, she considers those honest creatures carried away by simple displays of impulsiveness, she knows that by educating them well in the future they will have her to thank her for.

Haroon lives in Italy, his hometown, with his parents, and despite having lost his sight he feels he has gained the development of his other 4 senses, and he smiles, because there is no greater cure than a smile, and he smiles because he knows that one day he won't be able to do it anymore, and he smiles, because he likes how it feels to forget about the rest.

Lin Older sister

He loves the path she is on, and would like to be a little like her.

Ethan Older brother

He wished his brother didn't blame himself so much for what happened. He would never point the finger at him.