Averie Haven



3 years, 1 month ago


Averie Haven
January 9th (19-21)

Averie comes from an upper class family of Vistani that did dealings in Barovia. Her mother, Marcella, and her father, Beckett, worked in the business of arcane items, ranging from small knickknacks to powerful weapons. They worked with a variety of clients. Some being vampire families in Barovia. Their business was always on the shadier side. They had spent years perfecting the art of taking advantage of their customers. It’s how they made their fortune. Their contracts were always expertly worded and though many spoke of how untrustworthy they were, there was never any concrete evidence to go on.

They were able to get away with it for years, but a minor oversight led to their demise. Their Barovian clients were less than thrilled to know that they were being taken advantage of. One afternoon, while the Havens were on their way back home from a business trip in Barovia, their cart was attacked by a group of vampires. The couple was killed and Averie was on the brink of being sucked dry before her aunt and uncle arrived on the scene. Marcella was planning on handing off some products to them to deliver. Freya and Declan rushed their four year old niece out of Barovia. By the time they returned back to their home, it was too late. Averie’s wounds had killed her. But the toxin from the vampire bites was enough to bring her new life. The transformation was improper. She was now a bastardization of a vampire spawn.

Freya and Declan knew that Averie’s newfound Dhampirism could put her in danger, especially with the local church. They dedicated their lives to ensuring her safety. Sheltering her from the townspeople, limiting her time outdoors, using their experience with magic to disguise her undead appearance, and assigning their Thrro nanny, Irene, to watch over her. As Averie grew, her Dhampir hungers began to grow and manifest. Even as a child, they would find her eating raw meat from out of the kitchen and the town would find dead animals abandoned on the paths and the outskirts of town.

Rumors of Averie’s true nature began to spread through the town. The Vimont’s new daughter wasn’t exactly normal. Freya and Declan tried their best to combat this, but Averie was never one to listen. She still regularly snuck out of the house. She took up music to help cope. She used her family’s materials to customize her own magical guitar. She would often play disguised at local bars and inns, and occasionally finding stray farm animals and wildlife to snack on while she was out. Her only real friend being Lucas, who grew up at the local church. The only person beside her family who knew her true nature.

The mysterious animal corpses from over the years were beginning to pile up and the townspeople were growing tired and fearful of what may be living among them. A group asked the church to intervene. The priests there were able to identify Averie as an undead. The town went into a frenzy that night. A mob began to form with hopes of finding and destroying Averie. With Lucas’ help, Averie and her family were able to escape town before the people knocked down their door. Freya and Declan insisted on taking the main road to help draw the mob away while Averie, Lucas, and Irene could escape through the forest.

"What the fuck is a brood?"

Above is Averie's orignal backstory. I transported her into a new campaign and while the main elements are the same, she now lives in a large city and her parents worked on creating magical items. They were attacked by vampires while walking through the slums. Her parents left behind a pair of magical gauntlets that are possessed by a spirit that became her warlock patron.

Charisma 90%
Intelligence 45%
Kindness 35%
Patience 30%


angry goth tsundere

Alt girl with a vocal fry. She enjoys music, rebelling, and sitting in the dark. She doesn't like to show her emotions much, but she cares about the people around her.


  • rock music
  • nighttime walks
  • dark colors


  • bright colors
  • vampires
  • authority


  • baking
  • bass guitar
  • fighting
  • She has an alter ego, Pearl Valentina, who she uses as a fake identity for the gladiator pits in her city.
  • She enjoys consuming the spinal fluid of creatures.
  • She was originally an Uproar Bard but is now a Hexblade Warlock.

Design Notes

  • Her old design is the split dye hair while her newer design is the mullet with the strip of white.
  • She enjoys goth/alt clothing.
  • She is about 4'11 but wears platforms to be taller.






spinal fluid









romantic interest

A love that transcends campaigns. In their current timeline, they like each other but they aren't anything official as of yet.