


3 years, 1 month ago


A Major Deity of the Pantheon Maris


General Information





Mortal Name

(To Be Added)






She / Her

Physically Appears

Around 25

Humanoid Height

5'6 (167cm)

Siren Size


Voice Claim


  • Deity of the Moon, Dreams, Illusions, Intuition, and Children.
  • Deities of the Pantheon Maris are reborn human mortals. Moonstone died in the 1930's in the USA.
  • Often associated with children, and mostly answers their prayers.
  • Spends a lot of time in the space between the Golden Sea (The realm of the gods) and the Mortal Realms where she finds it easiest to manifest others prayers and enter and listen to their dreams.
  • Although she'd not supposed to do it too often as a rule of the gods, Moonstone spends a lot of time physically with Siren spawn (Siren children), telling them stories and human fairytales.
  • She very rarely engaged with issues of the Humans. Not only do they not worship the Pantheon Maris apart from a few sailors, she also feels uncomfortable traversing cities.
  • She will still offer as much support to human children as possible.
  • One of her key godhood abilities include illusions and 'dream walking'.
  • She uses them to trick the children's mind with pretty images as to calm them.
  • She uses illusions to safely and comfortably traverse unnoticed in the mortal realms, both that of sirens and the humans.


  • She is extremely friendly and patient with everyone.
  • Adores taking care of children. Will tell them fairytales whenever not in the Golden Sea.
  • Although she appreciates the things she can do as a deity, she dislikes the chores associated with godhood. Mainly, she dislikes attending the gods' gatherings and discussion even though she always has genuine pointers to give. She'd much rather live a carefree life.
  • Refuses to draw blood, but will attack mentally if anyone dares to hurt children, especially those that seek her out for safety.
  • She is extremely forgiving.
  • She's very generous even though she is a deity.

Extra Trivia

  • Will sneak out of the Golden Sea in a mortal siren disguise. As much of a disguise as old cloth and a mask of illusion can generate.
  • She always wished to be a mother in her mortal life.
  • Enjoys basking in the moonlight whenever she's in the mortal realms and will often surface and moon bathe on the rocks and boulders that peak through the water near rocky shores.
  • Loves to sing lullabies and is great at calming others down.
  • Will never rush anyone, and does no expect people to give her anything even though she is a deity.

Appearance Details

  • Her face markings are made from moonstone, though they shift with the movement of her face like a scar would.
  • Her irises and tail mimic the appearance of moonstone, however they themselves aren't made from it.
  • Her sclera mimic the appearance of gold.
  • The location of the large crystals on her forehead represents the wound that ended her mortal life and began her godhood.
  • A lot of her appearance is based on arctic/harp seal pups. For example the fur of her ears.


  • The Minor deity Chrysocolla often makes sure that Moonstone actually stays on task, however never forcefully. The two developed a friendship, and have a common interest in protecting children. They tend to be seen together.