


3 years, 1 month ago


Princess of the Kingdom of Krentis


General Information


Jolene "Picadae" Krentis


Jo , Jolie , Peewee




Avian Half-Bestial




She / Her

Physically Appears


Actual Age



5'8 (173cm)


Dux of Shadows

Base Magick


Magick Subclass

Void Magick



Voice Claim


  • Serious and professional when it comes to her work. A lot of the people she faced have called her merciless.
  • She is insanely protective of children, and has a soft spot for them.
  • When not working, she presents herself in a carefree nature, often acting childishly like a trickster spirit.
  • She is confident in her abilities. She is capable of coming up with new tactics and plans on the spot.
  • Tends to "wing-it" a little too often.
  • She will never admit it, but she adores attention.

Extra Trivia

  • Jolene has shadow magic. It manifests like black ink/tar and can solidify to become any desired object. However, to keep it manifested she must always maintain physical contact otherwise the manifestation will sizzle out like smoke.
  • Versed in multiple weapons and fighting styles
  • Can make herself weigh less using innate magick. It is something Avian Bestials and their half-bread counterparts utilise to aid with easier flying (To compensate for the mass of their bones that birds usually have hollow). The body type and physical appearance does not change.
  • The wings can fluctuate in size, often appearing bigger when in flight to accommodate the body mass.
  • Since Jolene is a half-bestial, she can remove and re-summon her wings. This is a skill that took her years to perfect. However, it still uses up magick and saps at her energy, so she doesn't tend to do it often and allowed for intervals between the action.
  • Jolene is the daughter of Jekyll Picadae, the ruler of the Kingdom of Krentis. This makes her royalty. However, since she isn't the heir and she doesn't involve herself in court, she spends most of her time away from the royal castle as a form of combatant/mercenary, working for the Academy. She does have an aditional title of Captain of the Royal Guard.
  • She is a magick teacher at the Academy, having her own set of student she personally trains whenever she isn't doing a job.
  • Her job pays well, and her father sends her funding. This means Jolene is wealthy. She uses this money to support her students and the Academy.
  • Her love language is gift-giving. You know, like a magpie.
  • She likes shiny things. You know, like a magpie.

Appearance Details

  • Prefers wearing teal-themed clothes, or anything themed around the colours associated with magpies. Black, white, purple, etc.
  • She has no issue with wearing outright feminine clothes, such as dresses. However, she will tend to default to gender-neutral clothes.
  • She will also wear Sebastian's oversized t-shirts.
  • She is fairly strong and has visible muscles, including pronounced abs, that are more prominent went flexing. The most pronounced muscles include her leg muscles and back muscles, both from her flight and landings.
  • Doesn't tend to wear makeup, however she will if she has to attend royal parties and balls to maintain appearances.
  • Prefers wearing sleeveless clothes, specifically when in combat. Her magick needs to maintain constant contact with her to successfully manifest, and since she uses it to manifest weapons, most content would be with her hands.
  • Most of the clothes are backless to accommodate for wings. However, if she knows that she won't be summoning her wings, she will wear full clothes.


  • Jolene is in a romantic relationship with Sebastian who she has known since her childhood (they're engaged now). Their relationship is wholesome and caring. She makes sure that Sebastian knows that she loves him unconditionally, and will often get him presents. She makes sure that she is vocal about her love for him and makes sure that Sebastian is taken care of and has everything that he needs.
  • Since she is a magick teacher at the Academy, she has a few students under her wing. Namely Nadia, Jax, Fiona, and Leon. She is vert protective over them, and makes sure that they are content with their life at the Academy.