
6 years, 11 months ago


"We're all pretty bizzare, some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all."

Xenon Lang || XL-5579 || #28 || 18 || 5'10

gender: male 


Xenon is a moody boy, and often called "The Emo One" by his fellow test subjects. He usually sticks to himself, but doesn't try to chase off anyone that comes near. Abigail and Olive often sit with him and have conversation, but Xenon never participates. He only listens. Secretly, he enjoys the company though! 

Xenon is half Fiiran, but grew up in his father's home nation, Blitzk. Durring his youth, his mother constantly tried to convince his father to take them all to Fiira, but to no avail. Before Xenon had any hope of escaping there on his own, he was taken to Project Detonation. 

He has also gained the nickname "Extra Large" due to his initial and he hates it. 


Olive - After the heat of having a new member died down, Project Detonation didn't bother Xenon too much. They might try to make small talk, but quickly gave up when he didn't answer. Well, everyone but Olive. Olive was persistent and talked to Xenon everyday, without getting any response. Despite Abigail's nagging, Olive kept at it and Xenon grew to like the kid. Olive was the first one to get Xenon to laugh once in Project Detonation, shocking all the other test subjects. 

Abigail - Xenon actually quite enjoys Abigail's company, even if she doesn't enjoy his as much. She only hangs out with him because of how insistent Olive was. Over time she would become used to Xenon's sulking presence, but she would still tell him to "lighten up" and "talk more". He never did physically, but inside he found her quite amusing. 


  • Olive and Abigail
  • Rice
  • Cats
  • His home town
  • His mother


  • Loud places
  • The Project Detonation Facility
  • Large groups of people
  • Idiots
  • Blitzk