Warden💎 (Before curse/human)



3 years, 1 month ago


how he looked before his curse. He was initially trained as a knight, who went out to slay the various creatures that terrorized people.

He heard tales of a witch who cursed people's children and stole their belongings, and decided to try his luck at defeating her. He underestimated her, but was ultimatley able to defeat her - on her last whispered breath she cursed him with one of the worst curses she knew. 'You... monster slayer. See how you like it when people come to slay YOU!' However she was unable to finish the last words of her spell, and as a result the curse didn't quite.. take. While the year and half where the curse worked it's dark magics was a terrible time, the effects eventually slowed, then stopped altogether. 

Warden was mortified, terrified of what had been done to him. He changed his name to reflect the creature whose appearance he was cursed by, and retired from mercenary work back to his parents' farm, where he hid from those who once knew him. He helps on the farm, doing mostly heavy lifting work and occasionally hunting in the closeby enchanted forest - the animals there have been affected by the magic of the forest and are larger and much more dangerous. Very few would take on a job like this as very few have returned. Being an enchanted creature himself, passage through the forest is much easier and he tends to escape unscathed.