-c Cremé



3 years, 1 month ago


this is creme, and she's a beautiful donkey girl!

she's tall, curvy and very beautiful, sexy and strong.

she is capable to do any task, and to repair anything thats broken, as long as it helps a friend, or as long as its a job with a good payment.

she works as a technician professionally, but she likes to tinker with other things on her free time too.

apart from that, she is silent and stoic, but while some people see her as intimidating, she's just shy. in general she's friendly and she becomes more sweet and affectionate to those close to her.

in her hobbies, she likes crafting/repairing things, watching TV, going running or swimming, and she is secretly a big fan of romantic books/movies.

she puts on a silent, ''cool'' and serious facade on her to strangers, but she's a really nice person underneath this ''mask''.

(more to add below)

name: Cremé