


3 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info




Notice: Do not offer on this character or ask for pings.
Bisexual AroAce
Husky Shepherd Mix

Forest could best be described as someone you could take at face value. He is a very simple guy with a simple mind, with an outlook on life to match. He is a bit oblivious to certain things and can have trouble holding proper conversations in between his frequent bouts of spacing out, however ask him about one of his interests and he will become a completely different person!

His favorite pastimes consist of playing his instruments, listening to music, birdwatching, going for walks in and around the woods, singing, writing, doodling in his notebook, spending time with friends, collecting old school objects (think 70's and 80's), botany, shopping, and the occasional smoke session with a select few people. Though, that last one is definitely one of his last choices.

As of now, he works as a part time barista at a local coffee shop in town and lives in a flat with a couple of his close friends and roommates. The space is small and his pay is not quite as impressive as one may hope, however he is content in his life and the things he's been doing. Basically, hes the kind of guy to take life one day at a time, one step at a time, and will go wherever the tide chooses to take him without trying to fight the change too much. This is reflected in his laid back personality. Many who have known him both for long periods of time and for short, have said he is quite easy to talk to and is an exceptional listener. Hardly anyone has ever seen him genuinely angry or frustrated, and if they have, it is described as a very subtle and silent sort of anger. As opposed to explosive outburtss or constant bickering under his breath, Forest will simply stop whatever he's doing and walk away for a while to collect himself. This is how he is with most emotions he experiences, and he much prefers to be alone with his thoughts in order to work things out on his own. Some people may see this as a very solitary and lonely approach to struggle, but it never posed as a problem to Forest, so who is anyone to question what works?

Forest also very much enjoys decorating his room and customizing his personal items to the best of his ability. In his own words, this helps him to feel connected to the things he holds with him, and ensures that his room will always be a safe and comforting space for him, a haven of sorts if you will. Despite being quite busy and active most days, whenever this is not the case, Forest can almost always be found laying somewhere in his room, either reading a book, drawing, watching a show, or tending to his many plants, all while keeping his old record plyer on so that a soft melodic tune can be heard faintly across his rooms walls. Even though Forest is quite lenient about most things, the only place he is acutely protective over is his room and whatever important thing may be in it at the time. Of course, this does not mean nobody is allowed to enter his room, but theyd have to be sure to take extra caution when making their way in, and even more so if they plan to stay.

Overall, Forest is a good friend to consider if you ever need a break from the busy world you reside in regularly, and his ability to listen with open ears and and equally open mind is a great virtue to anyone who decides to let off some steam around him. However, do not mistake his kindness for vulnerability, because despite all of this, Forest still sees no room in his life for mistreatment of any kind, including being taken advantage of.

  • Plays the drums, melodica, bells, and keyboard
  • Collects metal signs as home decor
  • Loves 70's and 80's rock bands
  • Adores the colors red, black, blue, green, pink and purple
  • His favorite drinks are diet and cherry coca-cola
  • His favorite foods are sandwiches and sweets
  • All piercings are opt and can be any type on any body part
  • Strict marking placement
  • Can wear anything, however he is seen most frequently wearing band shirts or dull colors
  • Opt collar, can be any color and have any charm
  • Chest scars are opt, if drawn they must be colored green
  • Facial hair is not opt, can be depicted as whiskers if wanted
  • Hair must always be at shoulder/neck length unless tied up
  • Bangs can cover eyes or be swept to the side, feel free to add accessories (ex: hair pins or bobby pins)
  • Sclera must always be yellow, and his teeth are not completely white
  • If drawn with a pentagram charm, please make sure the stars top point is facing downwards (Same rules apply to the necklace charm as well. This charm is not interchangeable)
  • Gauges can have any or no pattern on them, can be plugs
Sound Of Settling - Death Cab for Cutie
code by hanyu