Above Bundle [$15]



3 years, 2 months ago


Above Layout

Character Previews


Live Preview

Mini Banner

Live Preview


Live Preview


Live Preview


Live Preview


Live Preview

User Previews

User Axis

Live Preview

User Simple

Live Preview

User Float

Live Preview

Folder Directory

HTML Preview

Uses HTML + custom folder CSS

Bonus: Collab HTML

HTML that was designed by other users & edited to work with my Above CSS.
I did not design/create the original HTML, I only did the edits to make them work properly with this CSS.


  • CSS works on user profiles & character profiles.
  • User CSS/HTML is compatible with default TH sections (featured comments, recent characters, etc)
  • The top navigation bar has limited spaced; this layout will not work well with a lot of profile tabs. It also does not work with a sideblurb.
  • CSS allows you to customize...
    • Background image and/or color
    • Primary highlight color (for links & butttons)
    • Secondary highlight color
      • secondary color is what shows when you hover over primary buttonn & links
    • TH header bar color
      • Can set both the background & font color
    • TH navigation bar color
      • Can set both the background & font color
    • Content area body color & font
    • Bootstrap colors (faded background, danger, warning, etc)
    • Width of the content area (default is 1050px)
    • Font family
      • import a custom google font
  • Includes switches for
    • Choose the font case for the header case/navigation links (uppercase, lowercase or default)
    • Corners can be sharp or round (4 options)
    • Content borders can be turned on/off
    • Background image can be a pattern or a full size image
    • Less commonly used sidebar links can be turned on/off
    • Recent images on character pages can be turned on/off
    • Character header on character pages can be turned on/off
    • The tags in the character header can be turned on/off
    • The stat numbers on the navigation bar can be turned on/off
  • You can set an custom icon to appear next to the user or character name
    • Choose an icon by searching the font awesome website (click here)
    • Copy the unicode value for the icon
    • 64381842_PUR5OiPmzp8ZLPq.png
    • Paste this into the indicated part of the css following the provided format
      • Ex: would be: '\f005'
      • you must include the \ and surround it with the single quotes