


3 years, 1 month ago


6' 5
  • Nature
  • Stars
  • Writing
  • Sleep
  • Psycics
  • Forgetting People
  • Being called a Wolf
  • The word Alien

Helio is a kind soul, but has a fairly short temper, it's not often that he puts up with someone bothering him for a long period of time. When calm he will sit down with a nice book, and is generally nice to most people he meets. When he finds someone of interest, he can be v e r y protective, and will defend them with his life. He enjoys the small things in life, like the moments spent with others, and sometimes spends hours doing something they like, even if he's not particularly fond of it.


Helio is able to change the gravitational effects of objects in both linear and angular strength. He can use it on himself to fly or make himself heavier, though he does not feel the change in gravity himself.

He occasionally falls asleep floating slightly above the ground.

His left paws are white due to a special genetic trait that is rare.

The ring around his neck is a limiter for his ability while the rest are purely for decoration.


Helio is part of a race known as the Rashura, an interplanetary race with settlements on many super earth type planets. Though not part of their galaxys political parties, they do own their own cluster of star systems, where they gather materials and colonize. The race consists of many canine-like species, though they are not technically the same as a wolf or fox. They have a different elemental makeup. For example, though our bones are typically mostly calcium, theirs contain much more keratin. Also unlike us, they are nitrogen based organisms, and don't require oxygen to survive, though they can still process it for energy.

Helio was born to a planet known as Veta_Ash, it was here he was raised with his brother Darwin. Growing up, he'd always been fascinated with exploration and data, quickly becoming a hobby of his. To aid in his studies, he took to drawing, this way he could document the appearance of things he found in the wild. As he grew older, his sketchings became more refined and realistic, to the point where he could capture an image with a 90% accuracy. Due to his tendencies, he kept mostly out of trouble, staying away from problems, but this also meant he was easily agitated, as he was used to the quiet and serenity of the wilderness. The few fights he'd be dragged into were often very dangerous, especially with his ability. He'd have to be careful with his manipulations, and not bring a building down around him.

He stayed mostly out of serious conflict until the day came when he was unfortunate enough to be drugged through his food and kidnapped, unbeknownst to his kidnappers that he would be their last victim. He was taken to planet Versa, a small solar system a few stars away from where he was taken. The planet was riddled with illegal deathfights, and kidnapped victims were often taken here to be forced to participate. Back against the wall, and up against an extremely powerful psychic, it was impossible to end the fight peacefully, or escape. His opponent wanted blood, and sadly, Helio was losing terribly. His father had already tracked him to the planet, and was on his way to retrieve him, but it had already been too late. Mind in pieces and life hanging on by a thread, He made a final decision, focusing all his power, it only took a few moments to put in place an extremely fatal position, by increasing the planet's affect on its two moons by just 25%, they would be pulled within the reach limit, causing them to fall to the planets surface. Shortly after this, the fight was interrupted by his saviors, and he was taken back home. Just days after the fight began, planet Versa was destroyed by the resulting explosion of its two moons colliding with it.

Eventually, Helio did make a mostly full recovery, however, due to the lasting effects of his opponent, his memory was damaged greatly. He acquired short term memory loss, forgetting things almost immediately after they were relayed to him. Even though he was in disarray, his father was forced to take action regarding his abilities. Limiters in the shape of orbital rings (named The Rings of Reverence) were put in place to restrict the effectiveness of his ability, and he was sent to live here, a system far away from home. He didn't mind the decision, nor did his mother. He'd planned to move far away to continue his studies anyway. Over time, his memory did slowly get better, and he suspects that one day it will fully return. But he will never forget the fallout of that day, forever reminded by the rings that suppress his ability.



[ lover ]

Venti and Helio met due to Venti failing his college classes and having to get a tutor, which just so happened to be Helio. After a while of them meeting up for the tutor sessions the two of them became good friends and decided that it would be best if they became roommates to avoid the issue of having to travel back and forth between buildings to actually start their lessons. Time went on and the two of them grew closer and decided to finally become a couple.



[ Friends ]

These two both being from different planets seemed to have hit it off quite well and became good friends along the way.



[ Friend ]

After accidentally falling for one of her traps and defeating her, they had a good conversation as she let him out of her burrow, and became friends during the encounter.

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