


3 years, 14 days ago


Name: Cosmicpaw

Allegiance Description: A very dark purplish-black cat with heterochromia.

Pronouns: Star/Starry/Starryself

Orientation: N/A

Rank: Apprentice

Kin: Unknown currently.

Mentor: Jaderipple

Age: 7 Moons

Physical Attributes: A very dark purplish-black cat with faint swirls and light markings. Star has heterochromia, having a hot pink eye and sky blue eye. The most prominent marking on starry face is the five dots around starry hot pink eye.

Personality: A happy-go-lucky and optimistic kit, who often to hides away starry true feelings with a smile. Barely any cat will see starry frown, always being there for others in need and being very selfless. When star does breakdown in front of a cat, star often tells them that star's fine, but if star can't, star often tries to hide it away. Star is very emotional when showing starry true emotions.

Known Backstory: Found in CherryClan territory with an OrchidClan scent.

Other: Star has heterochromia. Star loves space! Star has a three star necklace, having two loops below the necklace and dangling stars connected beside and inbetween the loops.

How do they feel about the events currently happing in the plot: No clue yet.

Voice Claim: Bennett from Genshin Impact