Quinn's Comments

If you accept art can I offer a shaded full body for her, really love the design <3

ill accept! would you be okay drawing them?: Delight on Toyhouse please read his desc! 

Wow what a cutie <3 I'v red his description, I'm probably gonna be finished in a few weeks from now

Whoa what a badass! She would deff hang out and be besties with one of my characters Val! Two bad asses together 😈 I would name her valentine! She would prob be in secondary’s and I would use her a lot!

She looks awesome! Not offering or wanting her. Just wanted to say her monster form looks so cool, and her anthro form is also very amazing

Gods, I'm in love with their design!! I suck with coming up with things right on the spot, but,,, I'll try nonetheless 👀

So, as they seem to have a second form, I'd say that they're a shapeshifter and can (obviously) shift to anything at will, but very much prefers the anthro form they're currently in. Oh, also; they're genderless! Sure, they can shift to either a female or male at will- but either way, they remain technically genderless (and also use they/them pronouns, but are okay with anything tbh. They're not too focused on pronouns.)

Ooh, not only are they genderless but they're also ageless! Who knows how old they are or how long they've been roaming about lmao. 

I also feel like they wouldn't really have any specific name, so… anything would work for them?? I have an inkling they'd like something along the lines of Quinn, Tallie, or possibly Dee- something like those names, at least. Personality-wise, I feel like they have a pretty calm one; they like to observe rather than actually do much themselves. If they get attached to someone or something, I also believe they'd be rather,,, protective over them or it. Also!! They 100% have a soft spot for kids, despite not having any themselves- they just absolutely adore the child-like wonder and sparkle in their eyes.

One last thing; they're waaaay stronger than they look in their anthro form 💪😎

I probably don’t have anyone you would like, but could you look at my adoptables or secondaries? Or mains? If you do see anyone, you can choose multiple :3


didnt see anyone sorry! 

Okay :3

Thanks for looking <3

Sorry, but what is she exactly? A shapeshifter?

they were originally made as a demon having a disguise anthro form with their true form being a monster