


3 years, 24 days ago


yeshi okusanya igwe / 14-15 / igbo-american immigrant

yeshi is quiet, and is quick to judge and be distrustful of others, stemming from the neglect and overprotectiveness of her mother. she seems to be your typical shy, albeit naive, young girl - though there's a bitter and melancholic side of her that only comes out when she's alone. 

there's also a part of her that longs for the love of her mother; for most of her life, she was your average parent, trying despite their lot in life - until yeshi started to grow into her own person and she realized that she'd eventually lose her. that's probably the reason why she both fears and looks to the angels for guidance, because she misses having someone to be there for her.

her and prospero seem like polar opposites; where yeshi would hold her tongue, propsero would make some snide comment, big words and big talk versus only saying what's necessary. but ultimately, they both share common ground in being confused and scared by the real world. a child hidden away from society by her mother, and an angel who only knows one side of humanity. she sees him as a sort of mentor, though propsero would definitely try to fight that box he's being put into.

over time, prospero grants her a bit of his power - the ability to read others thoughts and emotions. but it doesn't always work, and she has to focus hard on a particular someone in order to use it. prospero doesn't want to bond with her and become an apostle with her, but because of nataka's ever-increasing threat to the group he is forced to; wielding a weapon called the lance of longinus, she is able to pierce the inner heart of angels and soothe the conflicting psyches of apostles, reminding them of their humanity and reversing the bond between guardian and person. 

if the bond is unstable, the human and guardian will be split back into two whole beings, albiet the human will be in a coma for a short period of time. if the bond is complete, the two tethered souls will rip each other apart in an attempt to save the other, and erase both the angel and human from existence. 

but she is deeply afraid of her power, especially after essentially killing nataka and tearing his soul in two. even though she hates him, she convinces the others to journey back to the angel world and return the other half to the real world. cassidy just thinks she has a savior complex. within her is a fervent wish that has the influence to stop the angels, and maybe even the one beyond them. unknowing, she is connected to the angels in a much more profound way than she could ever realize.

she is the "mother" of the interhuman, the key to separating the two realities and finding the apostles. her, along with the interhuman, were chosen to bring together the apostles and remake reality in their vision - staying as permanent youths much like the gardner queen and leader of the angels, louise did. she defies this, however, as through her experiences she learns to love humanity in all its complications and cruelty. she kills the interhuman, and essentially kills adam completely along with it. she does this, despite not knowing if this would erase herself and her friends, too. 

along with jolene, the gardener queen (louise)'s childhood friend, she is given the permission to completely erase all the angels along with their world - magdelena, louise, and the apostles included. the gardener queen was overcome with emotions she had long removed at the sight of yeshi's love of humanity. as she strikes the final blow and lays the eleven-year old girl's soul to rest, magdelena suddenly lets out a harrowing yowl of what could only be described as grief; the creature which had no signs of humanity is overwhelmed with it, losing the child she thought of as her "daughter". magdelena has nothing left to hold onto anymore, her leader and child gone, and embraces yeshi and jolene as she is impaled by the lance that was given to her to execute the plan that would've destroyed humanity instead. 

after reality is put back together and the angels erased from existence, she chooses to confess to the murder of her mother, adhering to her words of facing reality and accepting the consequences of your actions rather than stagnating in a fantasy world. 


johnny; she at first mistakes her for a young man, but upon walking in on her changing she discovers that she is in fact, female, as well as depression in her chest that she obtained from the car crash that took her fathers life. despite their awkward meeting, they forge a bond where johnny is always the one to cheer her up. johnny is simple, uncomplicated in her actions and her feelings, and that makes yeshi feel safe around her, like the older sister she could never have. she is the rare female in her life that she has no hesitation around. 

cassidy: cassidy does not exactly trust her. she believes yeshi is hiding something, using a shy and innocent facade to mask it. yeshi does not stand for this, and 

butch: he is deeply in love with her, but she views their relationship as purely platonic. 

prospero; as he is her guardian angel, he has no choice but to be by her side always. he has a deep disdain for humans and the concept of humanity in general, being the only angel known so far that does not take on a human guise in the real world, preferring to stay in his original form; as a birdlike creature that's a mixture of a crane, owl, and a peacock. he views humans as savage, needlessly complicating things that let their emotions utterly control them, so far as to be uncomfortable with the apostle plan. he is the only angel that yeshi has an unabashed, genuine connection with - at the end - he tries to view it as simply a beneficial parasitic relationship of someone who guides and someone who reveals the world to the guider, but yeshi views them as being friends, with prospero as her mentor. eventually, he realizes that he is starting to feel emotions, human emotions. and along with that, realizes that he cares for these kids, and that he must leave yeshi if she is to grow as a person. 

magdalene; magdalene is 


adam: they became friends purely out of not having anyone else, essentially being "lonely together' than any kind of healthy relationship. they began to feed off of each other's insecurities, making up their own world together where they could be free of their respective abuse and traumas.

yeshi suggested she could kill her mother and they'd run away somewhere, but did not believe in it whole-heartedly, it being more an adolescent fantasy than actual premeditated murder. adam insisted she would do it, or he would leave her to "squirm in the shallow light of humanity". he was visited by magdalene, chosen as the boy who would "create" the interhuman by eloping with a girl that represented the apostle of faith. yeshi thinks that they just kissed, but it is ambiguous if they had intercourse or not. while yeshi matures in an incredibly fast time for a 15 year old girl, and develops a love for all aspects of humanity - the emotion, the violence, the compassion;  adam is immature, even for a 14 year old boy. he behaves much like an elementary schooler, and chooses to reject humanity to live in a fantasy world where he can stay stagnant - neither regressing nor progressing. 

interesting facts:

♥ her birthday is april 29th, 1991 (national dance day)

♥ her father is american. it is unknown if he is african-american or if he is caucasian. 

♥ she loves jazz and rnb music. 

♥ her favorite food is cabbage stew, and she hates licorice candy. black licorice flavored things are okay, though. she just doesn't vibe with the texture.

♥ her goal in life is to become a professional dancer - either on the stage or sidelining a musical artist.

♥ she knows several common bird calls. she taught johnny some. cassidy hates birds now.

♥ her last name roughly means "sky, or heaven", with her middle name bearing the meaning "god has rewarded me for my suffering". her first name means. "one thousand', relating to the japanese belief around cranes, an animal she is heavily associated with, living a thousand years. put together, her name means, "god has rewarded me a thousand heavens for my suffering". 

♥ she is considered to be an extremely lucky person, owing to the fact that her guardian's name means "fortune".