Sierra Ashura



Basic Info


Sierra Hishi Ashura


Chimera: Thylacine, Lycanthrope, Demon






Human: 5"11 / Beast: 8"5 / Chimera: 13"2


shiny objects, bells, companions, protecting others, playing, pranks, jokes, napping, food


being manipulating, bullies, pain, selfishness, cold, scientists, doctors, loneliness, winter, accusations

Weapon of Choice



Abilities - [Magma control] Granted from her demon blood lineage. The ability and magic is stored and called upon fromt he large "blood" ruby that is found at the tip of her tail. She is able to spit molten rock or complete liquid magma without any harm to herself. In range of natural formed magma she can bend it to her will to either change it's form or flow. [Beast form] A state between her human and her full chimera form. Sierra retains most of her control and normal thought patterns. This is where her magma control begins to grow from, starting from little knowledge without training and vast control with. In this form she still retains the ability to talk albeit with a more down toned female tone mixed with a beastial growl. [Feral or True Chimera form] A vast difference from both other forms, this is her pure instinctual form, lacking in nearly all human like intelligence. It has caused her to make rash and primal reactions to situations or in the heat of battle. Unlike the other two previous forms she has now full access to all the magma abilties. In this form she is mostly found on all fours then walking upright.


She was created be a scientist in one of his many attempts to create a 'greater' being. Like his many previous attempts she was considered a failure but a step in the right direction. - After several months within Exon's care, she manages to escape although not without confronting her creator that ended in a vicious battle. Leaving Exon deeply scarred. - In search to find some haven to where she belongs. She had approached Lycanthropes, Demons and Humans and she found no acceptance nor belonging there. She remained an outcast, she was so vastly different then each party. - After a rather long and draining journey alone, she had approached a group of poachers who were in hunt of Fae folk and legendary creatures to sell back in the marketplace. Defeating them and freeing the captive Fae, Cyren being one of them. - Supporting the rather shaken Cyren. She listened and learnt of the Fae's wishes to protect and Aid the forest and it's denziens. With Cyren and Sierra united they create a rather strong alliance, ranged and melee were hard to beat. - Later along Sierra's journey her path crosses with an enraged and manipulated Super soldier; Jubei. The man would not back down so she was forced to take action and confronts him on his actions. But unlike the other battles she had been faced with she spares this man, knowing that this was not his true intent. - With defeating the Super Soldier she had earned his trust so he sore his sword and ability to Sierra and Cyren's cause, creating a larger group of guardians.