


2 years, 11 months ago


Seer's Benevolence

name Irielle

gender Female

age 1

race Jolleraptor

role Best Helper Ever

designer Ikayuro

html Pinky

Minor Arcana Tarot Cards

Helping Around the Shop

Running Errands




Energetic Crafty Lucky

The sky was flecked with shooting stars this night; though the sight wasn’t particularly uncommon, it caught one woman’s attention. The Seeress stood outside her small hut, her staff clutched to her breast, gazing up at the stars above, each one reflected in her eyes. The sight brought a smile to her face; it was on occasions such as this where magic in the world shone at its brightest, and those who deigned to make a wish on one of the journeying stars were oft blessed, if the gods deemed them worthy.

It had been such a long time since she’d last wished on a falling star; so many years she’d spent nights like these lost in her work; scrying, divining, tending to those who needed her most. But tonight she found herself free from her normal bonds, and as her eyes slipped closed, Eir wished with all of her heart for one simple thing.


The next few days passed without consequence; Eir’s workload slowly started to pick up as villagers sought tinctures and charms to empower their wishes, and the Seeress worked diligently through every order. As she drew her shopfront to a close, tugging the curtains over the arched windows, her ears picked up on a small rustling somewhere in the back of the shop. A shuffling of papers, a small squeak… and finally, a cascade of shattering glass.

Her hooves carried her swiftly over the worn floorboards, past a heavy hanging cloth smattered with constellations and stars. Eir cast it aside, reaching for her staff to try to dissuade whatever manner of intruder had managed to sneak past her wards… only to find the small creature asleep in a puddle of sleeping draught. She couldn’t help the smile that quivered at the corner of her mouth as she knelt down to scoop up her new friend, cradling her softly and blessing her with the name of Irielle.

Irielle took up a position in the shop after refusing to leave Eir’s side; and when it became evident that this tiny creature was the Gods’ answers to her wish, the Seeress had finally come to know happiness in her endless life. Though the little one is known to be a menace at times, running off with tarot cards or fetching cast runes, she works just as diligently as her adopted mother, and can be seen running small-parcel deliveries through the town with her small handmade cart or satchel.

Friendly Reserved
Sincere Deceptive
Bold Timid
Calm Irritable
Clever Foolish
  • Irielle is the lifelong companion of Eir, the unicorn seeress. It is believed that she was the result of a heartfelt wish of companionship; a blessing of the gods.
  • She can mimic some spoken words, but her pronunciation leaves quite a bit to be desired. Her favourite word to say is ‘Hello’, which she pronounces as ‘Ewoh’.
  • All of her jewelry was custom made for her by the village’s Jewelsmith, as a thank you for countless spell and potion deliveries completed.