


3 years, 6 hours ago


Benjamin Shallow

24 . male . artist

He's cringe but he's free.

The Geeky One

Species Gresian
Residence Gresia
Status Alive, active

  • His day job is graphic designer but being a videogame streamer is his passion project.
  • Loves more and less corny geeky t-shirts.
  • Likes to dye his hair dark muted blue or purple.
  • He's an excellent photographer.


Benjamin finished his studies barely, and is more than happy to do what he loves to do. He doesn’t actually think he can stream for living, but for now he can’t think of anything else he’d like to be rather doing. Maybe some day he’ll look for a job in arcade or café or something similar. But not today, not tomorrow. He’s perfectly happy in his little flat and with the social circles he has.

Though being quite easily tired of people Ben likes all kinds of geeky stuff and spends happily time with his type of people. He doesn’t only play videogames, he’s also a solid member of several ttrpg groups and participates different kind of board and card games. He’s also the usual go-to if someone wants company to watching movies or some new show.


Ben is a quiet, but smiling young man who can chat effortlessly with anyone but often chooses not to. Though streaming is his hobby in real life he is rather not the main focus of anyone's attention. When he wants to be, he can be quite charming company with an easy smile and bright eyes, but other people tire him easily and he tends to spend a lot of time by himself or with the chosen few friends.

He’s very unapologetic about himself and his interests but also doesn’t make a big fuss about anything really. AS long as they let him mind his own business he lets them do the same.