Kusuri Naeuri



3 years, 28 days ago


Kusuri Naeuri




4th Day. 4th Umbral Moon


Au'Ra (Raen)

White Mage | Botanist


62 WHM




A fledgling money-seeking adventurer heck-bent on repurchasing his family's old home, Naeuri Kusuri is an overly-tall and supremely lost lad who embraces the Raen's tradition of seeking peace to a T. However, much to his abject dismay, fate has a different idea of what his life is going to turn out to be.

The question is: will he accept it? Or defy it? The only thing he can't do is deny it - or can he?









  • His best friend, Liliu Liu
  • All manners of plants
  • Bright, flashy jewelry
  • Springtime
  • Sweet, bitter, & spicy foods


  • Anyone who disses Liliu
  • Verbal directions
  • Winter
  • Bland fashion
  • Physically fighting

A sweet pea, Kusuri embraces kindness as his weapon to a point of self-infliction. He sports rose-colored glasses over the world, often adapting an optimistic outlook on situations. His idyllic lifestyle of growing plants and making good money is more than enough thrill for the likes of him. His friendly demeanor scores him countless pals, even if their friendship is fleeting, and he commits to memory as much as he can about all said-friends. The weight of any sort of high-stakes responsibility is enough to send him into a tailspin of anxiety and utter dread. He is a coward through and through, willing to shirk big tasks requiring him to take action onto other people, where he can cheer from the sidelines. However, should the chips be down and everyone around him and the world is on fire - he'd still run away. He'd run for the hills. (Unless...?)



Raised by his doting parents and spoiled by his siblings, Kusuri grew up in relative peace (all things considered) in a quainter part of the Doma region. His simplistic education and fascination with his parents' work inspired his desire to work in medical botany, hence his affinity with magics more in line with mending than dealing pain. In seeing the encroachment of the Empire firsthand, his disdain for fighting grew, and would rather avoid conflicts altogether. When the family business and home eventually got usurped, he and his family traveled together for some time before broke off and decided he'd get something the Empire seemed to like a lot: money. He determined if he made lots of it, he could get their old home back without need for conflict. 


In endeavoring forth from home, Kusuri sets out to make money in order for his family to buy back their old commandeered home from the nefarious Empire. In doing so, he arrives in Gridania, and, beset by Mother Miounne, is immediately branded as an adventurer. As such, he begins to take oddball jobs - and gets lost immediately, somehow ending up in Ul'dah without even noticing he left the Shroud in its entirety. It is here he meets Liliu Liu, a Lalafell who barely reached up to his thigh, who aids him in not getting as lost anymore. Between the two of them, a simple life of scoring Gs and sending it back home was at last achieved with a little help. Over their time together, Kusuri, enamored with Liliu's bravery and compassion, established himself as her biggest fan, and spread word of her heroic valiance to anyone who'd listen - scoring them even MORE work. However, as she continued to get bad patch jobs from other healers, Kusuri took it upon himself to go forth and learn how to be a Conjurer. That way, he could help out more!

It is this step that ruins his life.


The stronger his healing became, the more wrapped up in Gridania's growing woes with the Ixals he and Liliu became. And the more he exposed himself to danger, the more the "visions" came upon him, later learned to be Echoes gifted from Hydalyn Herself. Thus he is scouted out by the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, a group of folks set on aiding Eorzea in however they can after the Calamity, and dispatches him (and Liliu) to a variety of different tasks.

One such task came in the name of Ifrit - a Primal, whose worshippers offered him and fellow scouts as tribute. While the flames did not affect him, allowing him to defeat Ifrit to whence he came, he became aware that - even though none of his cohorts perished from the fires - they needed to be put to death as they became a liability in having been tempered. The realization broke Kusuri's spirit in twain, rendering him unable to accept the proposition of continuing to work with the Scions any longer. At least, so he initially thought, but someone blessed with the Echo and speaking to Hydalyn could not very well deny destiny. 

So that is exactly what he did: deny, and live a lie that he was not, in fact, Hydalyn's Chosen; rather, that tile belonged to the brave and clearly significantly more heroic Liliu Liu. Obviously! Anyone who said otherwise were the delusional ones, not him! While he knows, deep down, the truth of his personage, Liliu - after some time - accepts the proposition, and walks as the Warrior of Light... but isn't really.

The true Warrior of Light walks in her shadow.

And together, they brace for the future - come what may...


  • His favorite flower is lavender.
  • Kusuri possesses many a mastery in the Disciplines of Hand/Land categories, but his greatest specialty is botany. He derived this love from his household, his parents being seed sellers in a great line of seed sellers.
  • His favorite colors are pink, yellow, orange, and blue. 
  • Owns a handful of mounts: a company-issued Chocobo named "Fluffles," a citrine Carbuncle named "Lil Pawzees," and a Unicorn deigned "Friend."
  • Has a tendency to misinterpret threats on his life as incredibly awkward and sadistic flirting. (He finds many different types of people attractive.)
  • In his ample extroversion, he befriends many folk and attains a lot of local knowledge, such as where the best place to get drinks at in any given area. 


Liliu Liu [ Bestest Friend In The Whole Wide World Plus the Universe ] 

Liliu encountered him during his, uh, accidental pilgrimage to Ul'dah. As a result, from the goodness of her heart, she set forth to help him out - and the two have become inseparable since.