Guardians of Land and Sea



2 years, 11 months ago


She touched the water with her golden hoof, and another broke the glassy surface.

"The Guardian of the Land cannot have ties to the water realm..." She started.

"I know. Nor can the Guardian of the Water have ties to your world." His eyes spoke of great sadness, and had he not been under water, soft tears would have rolled down his cheeks. "I am sorry, my love."

"Perhaps one day our paths will cross again." The horned horse spoke in quiet hope. "Where ever you go, remember I love you. And I will always love you. Please don't forget me."

" I could never forget you, my love." A blue glow began to shine from the waters depths. "My realm calls me. Goodbye." His figure began to fade away into the depths.

"Farewell, beloved." She whispered. A single silver tear slipped down her cheek as she knew in her heart that she would never see him again.