


3 years, 1 month ago


Rottenpaw's mother died when he was a kit. He only made it because twolegs fed him. Unfortunately, he got too close to an abandoned research facility with serious safety problems. As he was roaming around, an acid tank burst open due to irresponsible humans who failed to secure it. The acid burned his skin, but he was able to escape the scene. He stumbled into the woods, collapsing when he couldn't feel any strength in his paws. He lied on the forest floor, only moving a little each day, trying in vain to capture food. A Mistclan patrol discovered him, coated in flies and maggots, a few days after the acid crash. The nearly dead kitten was brought to camp, healed, fed, and kept warm thanks to Foxleaf, the medicine cat. He finally regained his strength, swearing his life to the cats who had saved his life. He requested the name Rotten. He didn't like himself at first after recovering from the accident, but with Cloudpaw's encouragement, he came to embrace himself and his scars.