Amira Holt (GW2)



2 years, 11 months ago


Amira Holt
  • Human
  • Thief (Warrior)
  • (Affiliation)
  • Location

Age Young Adult (~28)
Height 5'8" (173cm)

Gender/Pronouns Cis Female (she/her)
Heritage Krytan, Canthan

Birthday Season of Scion, 81 (Sept 19)
Profession/Job Mercenary/Bounty Hunter
Personal Story

Born in the human nation of Kryta, Amira was raised within the walls of Divinity's Reach. Her family was well-off working within the Ministry Guard for generations, encouraging her to continue the Holt family legacy. Amira, a third-generation recruit, showed excellent skill despite posessing no real magic of her own. From there, she worked under several ministers, eventually (and often) working under Legate Minister Caudecus like her family.

With the reemergence of the White Mantle, led by Caudecus, tensions began to rise. Amira was locked in conflict with herself between her sense of duty, her sense of loyalty, and her sense of morality. By the attack on Divinity's Reach she had discovered just how deep her family's loyalty to the White Mantle was. Amira found herself trapped among the thick of it.
At the betrayal of her family and colleges, Amira succumbed to bloodstone poisoning as volitile magic exploded and she fell unconscious. When she came to, she was in a Krytan hospital and her arm had been amputated. Terrified of whatever sentencing she imagined to face, Amira made an escape and fled Kryta.

Since then, she discovered her new talents for magic and started picking up bounty hunting and mercinary jobs. Most of her free time is now spent in Lion's Arch and Rata Sum, bumming around and harassing friends & strangers alike.

Deadeye's Mark

"Contract accepted..."
With the help of her new magic, Amira's learned to hone her intense focus on her target.

Reflexive Strike

"Time to do some real damage."
Close quarter combat is familiar ground to Amira.

Fist Flurry

"You'll have to hit much harder!"

Staff Bash

"Pain for pain!"


"Click, click, boom."
Just as skilled with firearms, Amira's picked up to practicing her sniping.

Sneak Attack




Description of outfit.

Totam unde and consequat eu so anim yet fugiat. Ipsam. Consequatur incididunt iure explicabo aperiam illo. Nequeporro ipsum so eaque si and tempor. Dolore. Aperiam laudantium amet elit. Consequuntur adipisicing aperiam magnam fugiat inventore quae.

  • Sunglasses, Facemask, or Scarf
  • info 2
  • info 3
  • info 4
  • info 5
  • info 6

Veserunt suscipit. Vel officia aute and sint yet anim so ipsum. Lorem ullamco quisquam. Quis enim ex unde. Minim sequi ab. Totam nequeporro or dolores for incidunt so totam but veniam. Fugiat omnis so laborum aliquam. Si nequeporro. Amet. Laudantium corporis architecto, and qui.

Golemized Prosthetic Arm

Amira's right arm became corrupted by bloodstone. It was amputated and later replaced by a golemized prosthetic of asuran make.

Sting (HOPE reskin)

Amira's trusty revolver. It's been with her for years, just one more reminder of her past. And of how far she's distanced herself from it.

Sniper Rifle (The Predator reskin)

Description lorem ipsum. Give a brief description of what this item does, what it looks like, etc. Can be a short or long description.

"Legal" "Herbs"

Description lorem ipsum. Give a brief description of what this item does, what it looks like, etc. Can be a short or long description.

Item 5

Description lorem ipsum. Give a brief description of what this item does, what it looks like, etc. Can be a short or long description.

Item 5

Description lorem ipsum. Give a brief description of what this item does, what it looks like, etc. Can be a short or long description.

Lee Harding // frienemies

Enemies to frienemies.

A rocky relationship to start with, Lee & Amira are intertwined--for better or for worse. Initially at odds with one another over their shared, splintered soul, the fires of animosity have cooled. They're not exactly friends, not exactly foes, and neither knows what to do with the other.

Vee // relationship

Describe the relationship here.

Quae perspiciatis yet voluptas nequeporro ut consequat and culpa. Beatae. Numquam fugit for beatae, aliquid for nequeporro ullam eu. Inventore labore and laudantium or ab and ad. Tempor qui or error, or laborum or labore, and totam, or sunt.

Hickory Hill // relationship

Describe the relationship here.

Quae perspiciatis yet voluptas nequeporro ut consequat and culpa. Beatae. Numquam fugit for beatae, aliquid for nequeporro ullam eu. Inventore labore and laudantium or ab and ad. Tempor qui or error, or laborum or labore, and totam, or sunt.


Caution Warning: Explicit & suggestive content. Drug use, death, dying, guns.
