


3 years, 12 days ago


affogato sabayon
college student
dec. 3
inquisitive . sensitive . picky

Affogato seems to live with a question mark over her head, round eyes always taking in everything around her. Most people have never heard her speak - but have witnessed her following them, or offering a hand, or tilting her head in a way that makes you inevitably begin explaining whatever it is you're doing.

When she's not on campus, running between classes, she's always either at home, living in her sister's apartment, or waiting outside of her sister's work. She always hated that place, but after meeting the baker, she seems to keep coming back lately...


  • food!!
  • science :0
  • fun facts!

  • bad food :(
  • being abandonded
  • loud noise!!

  • autistic, elective mute. only talks at home with her sister, mute at all other times. she does know sign language and will often attempt to sign to see if the other person will understand her!
  • like all autistics, she also has 7823472332 different food sensitivities. it usually doesn't stop her though.
  • has a perfect palette!! can taste almost EVERYTHING in food. due to this she is incredibly picky and basically only cooks her own food!!
  • always cold!! she has really bad circulation so her hands are always icy and she usually wears gloves!
Design Notes

  • she has natural hair!!! please do NOT under any circumstances straighten her hair or take out its texture!! if you're not comfortable with drawing natural hair, please let me know, and just do not draw her.
  • she has little freckles!
  • the tiered design on her ears is not three-dimensional, they're just markings! her ears are normal flat milqilin ears!
  • her ears are fairly close to her eye makeup but they are not connected! her ears are in a normal ear spot!
  • she is usually dressed warmly!! sometimes she borrows her sister's clothes

Affogato was the second, and youngest child in the household growing up. Their mother did her best, but she was a single mother, working questionable jobs at best, and often overworked, leading to the two children spending most of their time in the house alone. They grew up fairly poor, so the two girls did their best to help around the house as best they could.

The boxed food and frozen meals never sat quite right with young Affi, she would only eat small amounts and spent most of her childhood rail-thin and underweight. She just simply couldn't bring herself to eat anything!! Once she was old enough to touch the stove, she began experimenting, tweaking canned food and boxes with spices and other tricks to improve the meals in the household. Her mom and sister loved it, and encouraged her to play around - just don't go over budget. Eventually, once she was old enough, Affi was the one trusted with the grocery money, and she and Citrus would carry grocery bags home, eager to prepare for that evening's meal.

In school, Affi struggled to fit in. Very few found her combination of silence and nosiness charming - and she spent most of her time at school alone, or at the library. She loved reading and learning about new things, her brain swimming with facts that her mouth could not express to others, simply quietly staring and wishing she could communicate the ideas in her head somehow. If it wasn't for her home ec teacher encouraging her - she might not have had the ambition to pursue her dreams of food. It didn't seem like a reasonable career path, until her teacher showed her a scholarship and convinced her to go for it.


After graduating highschool, Affi moved in with Citrus at her apartment, as it was closer to her university, and it wasn't... the greatest environment, even if Affi and Citrus did make pains to regularly visit to clean up and help their mother. Citrus' apartment was even smaller than their family home - and the two shared a bed, but it was cozy, and Affi really loved it. Citrus had always been the closest person in Affi's life, and the two of them together always felt like an inevitability. The kids at college were also much nicer than the ones at her school, and she managed to make a few friends. The idea that food science was even a major seemed like a dream come true - every day at school was better than the last, and she absorbed everything like a sponge!

After moving in, Affi found out what Citrus' job entailed - some sort of weird... boobie maid cafe... There wasn't many things Affi disliked, but standing outside the cafe on the street, awkwardly waiting for Citrus to get off of work was a special kind of discomfort. There had to be a better job! For starters, that wasn't even all that foodsafe...

...until one day, while she was waiting, the baker of the establishment greeted her. She introduced herself as Momoka, and gave Affi the best tiramisu she had ever had in her life. Affi's interest was immediately piqued - this strange woman who seemed so sweet, who made such delicious food... is this what people meant when they said "made with love"?


  • grew up in a poor, single parent family with her sister
  • sensitive taste, took over cooking at a young age, has always had food as a special interest.
  • managed to get a scholarship for food science degree
  • falls in love with the baker at the Milkmaid
code by jiko | background by @ user