#4371 Maira



3 years, 1 month ago


[ Maira ]

Current GP: 170.5
Lifetime GP: 170.5

Player Profile
GP Tracker

biome  . Arid
boundary  . Bazaar
origin  . Abnormal
nature  . Captivating
size  . Thin
species  . esk
collection  . MYO
designer  . LettersofSky
uncommon traits  . Sleek, Flecks, Unique Markings
rare traits  . Flexible Tail
nature features  . Phalsa Cherry (Grewia tenax)
accessories  . Cracked Body, Multiple Tails, Glass Limbs
original form  . Cursed Glass Bangle

{ About }

GH - Majanthi's Cleansing Smoke: Awoken Spirits

A bright voice in a crowded bazaar, light and music her words seeming to jingle against each other as they carry over the din of humans moving to and fro, going about their business, the life of the bazaar, perhaps not in the treasures on offer but the one that oversees them all?

Or so Maira would like to think. Though with how easily she draws other esks towards her and her lively, vibrancy in her element, perhaps there's a silver of truth in her claims. Elevated by her status amongst the biome by the nature of her creation, an object so drenched in negativity that the Desert Rose herself was needed to cleanse her, Maira enjoys and indulges in the regard such a status gives her.

Always ready and eager to talk and show newcomers to the bazaar around, Maira reveals in any and all kinds of attention focused on her. She speaks bright and lively to keep the conversation interesting, she knows the best spots in the bazaar to show off treasures from all around the desert, she knows how to keep a newcomer interested and attentive to what she has to say and, most importantly, focused on her as a whole.

Though perhaps such a want for attention is not healthy for those around her? Attention so focused, gaze so fixated on her they start to lose sight of anyone else, but surely she doesn't mean for such a thing to happen, does she? Or... was her intent all along the want to keep attention focused and returning to her whenever possible?

{ Backstory }

Once there was a beautiful glass bangle, crafted with care and love and sold in the large, bustling bazaar. The tempered glass drew the eye of all who passed it, and many longed to have the beautiful piece adorning their wrist though only one could purchase the item and such adornment lead to naught but jealousy from those unable to own it themselves.

Was it really any wonder that tragedy would befall the original owner of the glass accessory leading to it's return to the bazaar that had once sold it? Beauty unmarred it was only a matter of time before it drew the eye of another wishing to own the bangle. And fate continued to be repeated, over and over again, the glass bangle would be purchased, the current owner would befall a horrid end, and the bangle would return to the bazaar to be sold again, becoming steeped in negative emotions and the pain of those that had ever worn it before and had paid for the attention it had garnered.

Majanthi was drawn to the bazaar by whispers of the bangle's abundance of radiating negativity, coming to the bazaar deep in the night once those within had retired for the evening, seeking out the cursed object to cleanse it of the negativity that clung to the band.

The Transformation was a kinder one, the cursed glass bangle gave up it's physcial form with a desperate ease, as if it would do anything to keep the Wanderer's focus upon it. And where once a glass bangle sat, a curse upon the bazaar that marked an unkind end to all that would dare to purchase it, now an esk existed; fully formed and vibrant in her new existence, ready to live and flourish amongst the busy bustle of the bazaar.

No one in the bazaar really cared over the glass bangle's sudden disappearance, thinking it had just been stolen by another soul fated to a sorrowful end. They were completely unaware of the spirit that now lingered amongst the stalls of the bazaar, still drawing and capturing attention to it to this day.


{ Boundary }

Bazaar - A large, bustling bazaar situated in a city at the edges of the sands


{ Origin }

As an Abnormal Esk Maira finds a great joy in her existence, pleased as she is to simply be alive and free of the pain and suffering she'd be drenched in in her original form. Though she has kept some aspects of the bangle in her new state.

She still craves and draws attention to herself, though instead of through her appearance it is now through her voice and attitude, bright and cheerful at all times and always willing to talk and chatter at any that pass through her boundary. Now though, instead of death befalling those around her, those that interact with her would claim to have an odd want to stay and talk with her for longer than they were planning to or even lingering around the bazaar for another day than they initial plans.

It's unclear if Maira means anything malicious by her want to have other's attention though, it certainly isn't a question the esk can answer if asked of her. Regardless she does crave attention above all else and it fuels her as an esk, even as cleansed as she is.

{ Nature Features }

Phalsa Cherry (Grewia tenax)


{ Enchantments, Blessings & Curses }

What - Name

Add a new paragraph like this.

{ Trinkets • Achievements }







{ Notes }

Gift Art and Writing is welcome!

Esk are spirits/ghosts and have no mouth nor eyelids and three toes. They are completely non-corporeal.
Legs are glass and coloured with the red or yellow, flecked with white and opposite colour (yellow flecks for red legs and red flecks for yellow legs)
Body is cracked as seen HERE

Layout by rooty | codes