


3 years, 1 month ago


˗ˏˋ Profile ˎˊ˗
NAME Blanc Le Beau
AGE 19
GENDER Female (she/her)
ORIENT. Straight??? Bi???
RACE Slayer Ashuri
ROLE 'guardian'/hitman

STATUS Yarharhar
DESIGNER @ KizzyCosplayer
  • Meat
  • Akashi
  • Pop Songs
  • Chicken Nuggets
  • Akashi's gfs
  • Loud noises
  • Crowds
  • Vegetables
  • Ex Guardian turned slayer
  • Literally insane
  • Terrible social skills
  • Hates Lyra with a passion
˗ˏˋ History ˎˊ˗
Tw: cannibalism, death, normal slayer stuff
Imagine Happiness

Blanc started off rather normal. She was a straight A student, planning to go to a well known guardian academy to chase her dreams. She had few friends in school, but her favorite was Lyra. They were rather close and even started to date at one point. Blanc dedicated everything to her, believing that she would do the same. But secrets can't be hidden forever. Blanc soon learned of her girlfriend's bloodlust and dropped her as soon as she did, unable to believe she had been lied to this entire time. Blanc was 13 during this event

Life went on. Blanc made Lyra a primary target to be put down but didn't yet have it in her to take in someone that she held dear to herself. She came across a new guardian friend, Chiharu. They hit it off and started dating. The pair were close and Blanc was happy again.But her obsession over her past was clear and her bloodlust was steadily growing. Chiharu would leave her without any explanation, leaving Blanc to be confused and heartbroken over her. This confusion would quickly turn to anger as she set out to enact revenge upon her past. Ridding any evidence of the once perfect guardian girl.

Snapping after Loss

Some things are too much for people to handle. The loss of her friends and her obsession of her past partners was enough to make Blanc snap. She started hunting ex guardians, ex slayers, ashuri that had high syoran counts. She didn't care much for the syoran she absorbed, in fact she would freely give it out to others. She wanted the corpse they left behind. Despite it being frowned upon, she would ensure there wasn't a thing left behind of her victims. Well...at least she'll never go hungry?

She ran into a slayer she couldn't kill. But he found her amusing, adopting her as his own. She was 15-16 when Akashi took her in.


How did it come to this? The mindless slaughter? The hunt for blood? Blanc is a broken girl and she doesn't even realise how broken she has become. Her closest friend is now Akashi. She has trouble socializing with others. She hunts guardians not for their syorans but for their blood. She's become much more cannibalistic over the years, mostly unaware of what she's doing half of the time. All she knows is she has to take her ex partner's syorans. She has to have them. And nothing will stop her. If you try, prepare to be met by her blade.

An in depth on Young Blanc

Young blanc is 15-18/19

While Blanc is normally seen as insane, talking to her kabuki as if it talks back, twitching and whispering things to herself when no one is near, she can act quite normal at times. These personality flips happen suddenly and without her realizing it. Blanc isn't aware she's a slayer, she isn't aware she's a cannibal. She thinks she's normal. She believes she's normal. At times her slayer self slips while she's in the middle of a kill. She's horrified of what she does. But she can't stop herself. She can't change.

Blanc doesn't have a 'trigger' that snaps her back and forth. But she does have waves of humanity when near people she cares about. She acts slightly normal around Akashi at times, however her 'tics' will always stay around. She carries her kabuki around like a security blanket, anyone that threatens to take it will swiftly be disposed of without second thought. Blanc won't actively seek fights, and often won't react to challenges. Her slayer side tends to speak in rhymes, often referring to the strings of fate and destiny.

Blanc's kills are far from swift. She drags fights out, chasing prey around till they are too tired to run. She enjoys torturing prey to death, trying to keep them alive for as long as possible before taking their syoran. She nevers leaves a trace. Every sliver of the body will be disposed of. Some find that horrendous. She thinks it's delicious.

An in depth on Older Blanc

Matured Blanc is 19+

Blanc's ability to mask her bloodthirst has improved with time. Her personality switches have mellowed out to only activate when in a bloodhunt. One could suppose enough heartbreak fixed the girl. She's sweet, smiles a lot and seems happy. She's aware of what she does to the bodies she takes and honestly...she doesn't care anymore. Blanc finds death fascinating but prefers to keep her kills to herself now. Sharing her treats just seems too...rude of her

Blanc's tics never left her. She still tends to hold onto her kabuki when she can and occasionally talks to herself but this is easily masked in public. Blanc has a low drive to fight and would prefer her kills to come to her. She flirts with victims till they drop their guard. Promise of a free drink and a place to stay the night. The only price being their body. She never clarifies this to her seemingly willing victims. But they keep their side of the contract at least :'). Blanc has started collecting body pieces. Claws and fangs are some of her favourites.

Blanc believes she in her rebel phase. While she no longer lives with her older brother she tries to go against him when she can. She doesn't seem to notice that he could care less what she's doing as long as she's safe. She has her own apartment now and has a lot more private time. Now older and more mature she has considered branching out to make friends. If Kie and Akashi could do it what's stopping her? Blanc has also started to regain past memories. Foggy memories of Noir haunt her. But other than his face she hardly remembers her twin

˗ˏˋ LINKS ˎˊ˗

Enjoys the thrill of chasing Lyra down, despite all the others that are getting in her way.

"Be a good puppy and come here darling~ I won't hurt you too bad"


Hates him so much, but can't take him down yet

"Be a good dog and play dead. Forever."

Hates Hates Hates

Hates him so much, intervened and protected Lyra when she almost caught her. Now is doing anything she can to take 7 out so she can get to Lyra.

"What a cute kitty! But annoying. Get out of my way and let me take her syroan back."

Big Brother

Adores Akashi, his fighting style, his personality, almost everything about him. She very much idolizes the older slayer. She wouldn't even notice if he was manipulating her, because she geuninely likes and trusts the guy.

"big brother akashi is so cool! He's so nice to me! He lets me tag along on his hunts sometimes. I just want the bodies- he can keep their syoran. Bearie is the best! I hope nothing bad happens to him."

. .