Luno Kosmiya



3 years, 1 month ago



art by @denassey

Luno Kosmiya

Known throughout Rift as the "Supernova Fist of Leo", but is honestly just a regular guy.


"A good sorcerer never reveals his secrets. But, a great sorcerer knows the speed threshold to keep someone from dying upon high-speed impact with a motorcycle."

          Luno has always been self-defined by a single trait; his normalcy. For his context, anyway. In reality, the normalcy he touts is not true at all; his intense compassion, dedication, ambition, and leadership have guided himself, his friends, and his entire homeworld towards a brighter future. But, when he isn't saving the world, he's busy living a simple, quiet life.


  • Funky, ambient music
  • Cooking, practicing magic, martial arts
  • The ocean
  • Stargazing and astrophysics
  • Action media
  • Romance


  • How ordinary he feels he is
  • Dishonesty
  • Unfair advantages
  • The texture of velvet
  • Cheese
  • Walking on snow/ice


  • Was born on August 16th, [DON'T FUCKING ASK ME WHAT YEAR HIS SHIT GOES ON IN]. He is 25, and his star sign is Leo! 
  • Decorated Starball striker(for the pre-teen league, anyway...)
  • Turns out, a guy with no brain can still have ADHD!
  • Used to play electric bass. Could pick one up now and know how it works, at least.
  • Has a healthy sleep schedule.
  • Tries to be as responsible as he can with his powers. Does not stop him from using black holes to vaccum.
  • Love language is acts of service.
  • Takes good care of his technology(cell phones, etc) and of himself.
  • Does not have a drivers' license.
  • Does not like owning expensive clothing.
  • Is a cat person. Not literally, Rift doesn't have catboys. 
  • Yet.
  • Here's a playlist of music I associate with him!
  • Seasoned fruit snack thief(this one's an inside joke...)

art by @meatgiri(above) 

and @denassey(below)1611567375366.png?width=810&height=1101


"This party's getting crazy...! Let's ROCK!"

          Luno is a very relaxed, grounded, and kind individual, though despite everything he does in his life he still has maintained an air of normalcy. He takes things slow, despite his ADHD-borne need for stimuli. He likes the slow, constant things about life, like the gentle ebb and flow of the ocean and the twinkling of the stars. However, this doesn't mean he's any kind of sluggish! He comes at life running, and tries to make every step happily.

         But, he's not unstoppable. He approaches a lot of delicate situations with a lack of attention and a gratuitious amount of impulse, which has proven to be his downfall before. And if that doesn't get him, his self-doubt surely will. His tendency to be over-helpful and prioritize others above himself comes hand-in-hand with a low view of himself. But, thanks to life-changing experiences(and therapy) he can better face these problems.

       Either way, Luno Kosmiya is a lot of things: a half-assed scholar, an enthusiastic individual looking to take life slow, a lover, a fighter, a regular guy...but most of all, he's himself!


  • Great sense of humor
  • Appreciation for life's beauty
  • Very kind and compassionate
  • Enthusiastic, yet relaxed
  • Observant
  • Spirited


  • Underestimates himself
  • Inattentive
  • Impulsive
  • Bad at making plans
  • Would fall for Charlie Brown football trick
  • Is a chef; hates cheese


  • Cooking
  • Practicing and using magic/martial arts
  • Dancing/singing(when alone)
  • Going on walks
  • Cooking badly on purpose
  • Creating constellations


  • Food: Udon and Steak Soup
  • Sweet: Taiyaki/Konpeitō
  • Holiday: Hunt Day
  • Fauna/Flora: Octopi/Hydrangeas
  • Color: Dusk Blue
  • Smash Bros. Character: Terry Bogard
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

  •  Assertive   Turbulent 

image0.jpg?width=810&height=1080art by me!


  •  Hair Color   Cosmic 

  •  Eye Color   Dark Grey 

  •  Skin Color   Pale Ivory 

  •  Height   185cm(6'1") 

  •  Clothing Style   Casual/Clean 

  •  Skinny   Large 

  •  Curvy   Tall 

  •  Fat   Muscular 

  •  Groomed   Messy 

"Yes, my hair's been like this since I was a child. No, there's no special, mystical reason for it."

          Outside of when he's saving the world from certain doom, Luno dresses comfortably, but not in a way that sacrifices style. Even when he's saving the world, he still makes an effort to look cool, if only for his own satisfaction.

         In Luminous, his design is that of a traditional RPG protagonist; blue tunic, trousers and boots, special pendant, big glove, et cetera. This clothing was a gift, from his mother's side of the family. However, in his story's epilogue, Luminous: Creation War, he's gained a more concrete sense of style to better reflect his developed sense of self.

           He is of average, yet reasonably fit physicality. I don't know what else to put here.

Design Notes

  • Luno is Japanese, or at least coded to be so. Please don't whitewash him.
  • The "planets" on the back of his jacket move on their own accord. When he does cool stuff, they align into a straight line. Similar to his hair, the inside of his jacket contains a field of stars.
  • He has three moles on his right cheek, which arrange into a triangle.
  • Four-pointed stars are a motif for him, most obviously showing up in the portals he conjures.
  • During Luminous, he has a pendant that is related to his mother. Look at the art by @meatgiri in the "About" tab for its correct design.

image3.jpg?width=810&height=1080art by me!



art by me!

Mason: Best Friend

Mason, former ghost and queen of Aries, is Luno's best friend and closest ally. Having fought through the hordes of White Noise commanded by her possessed father, they built a close bond on the virtues of battle and friendship. Now, having grown closer through the Creation War, they're an inspearable duo of warriors and friends.

amp_head.png?width=810&height=810art by me!

Amp: Friend/Ally

Amp and Luno have a shared appreciation for the sciences, though Amp's more messy and experimental nature to their science tends to alienate Luno. Regardless, they have maintained a friendly psuedo-rivalry, and he's always appreciative when his chemical-slinging comrade comes by for a visit.

image0.pngart by me!

Tyrell: Friend/Ally

Luno deeply admires Tyrell's physical strength, and Tyrell admires Luno's magical prowess. Built on this mutual admiration is a strong foundation of respect and teamwork. They're good friends, and they share a great appreciation for natural beauty and a good joke. But, don't take them lightly when they fight as a pair.

unknown.pngart by me!

Mick: Girlfriend

Through the events of Luminous, Luno and Mick grow closer and eventually enter a relationship. Getting to know and love each other in the 5-year timeskip to Creation War, they fight side-by-side and get married once the war ends. In the "present", they share an apartment with a very fat cat named Buster who they both love very much.

helion_bust.png?width=810&height=810art by me!

Helion: Old Nemesis

Helion, despite being its host, was a victim of Ophiucus' malicious will, just as anyone else on Rift was. Once Luno learned this, he resolved to spare Helion from the dark fate born of the 13th Zodiac Titan, as he would to everyone else on Rift. Informing Helion of what he did, he assisted Aries' former king in seeking anonymity, at his request.

Others: Various Bonds

Kazuon Kosmiya: Luno's caring father. Raising him with care, he instilled Luno with values of kindness, optimism, and ambition. They work together to run his noodle shop, Kosmi-Yum.

Kageretsu Kosmiya: Luno's deceased mother. Able to reach him through a pendant formed at her death, she roots for him from a cosmic afterlife, even speaking to him in times of need.

Katya Kiagi: Luno's current mother figure, and martial arts master. The opening volley of the Creation War put her life in serious danger, which motivated him to fight.

Emperor Megalocyathus: The Precursors' emperor, and Luno's second archenemy. They had a duel at the end of the Creation War, and Luno ended his life, maintaining respect for his honor.

Rift's Public: Rift as a whole has a positive opinion of Luno. His kindness before Luminous, and his heroism during it, have earned their respect.



art by @denassey, edited by 5ofHearts and sunfroggy

Luno, after growing up with a strong set of morals, butts his head in where it doesn't belong(the Ariean government) and almost pays the ultimate price. After barely surviving a massive fall down to the bottom of Rift, Luno meets Mason, a mysterious phantom girl who inhabits a sword. Wielding Mason, Luno adventures through Rift's wilds and slowly upgrades Mason's sword into a weapon that can kill White Noise and fell Ophiuchus, the ancient evil behind all of Rift's cataclysms. Along the way, they meet Amp and Tyrell, who initially act as rivals but become strong allies, and Mick, who joins the group out of blind enthusiasm and want for adventure and ends up being a more valuable part of the team than she could ever imagine. As a team of 5, they adventure through Rift's continental societies, storm Aries' castle, and kill Ophiuchus(with Luno secretly keeping Helion, Mason's father, alive, against Mason's wishes). Five years pass, and an alien race, the Precursors, storms into Rift's atmosphere, proudly asserting themselves as the initial creators of the Zodiac Titans. After announcing that they've come to reclaim their lost experiment, they send a legion of mechanized forces down onto Rift, and the Creation War begins. What follows is a violent, action-packed series of events that leaves Luno, and everyone he knows, fighting for the mere right to exist. 


A blue guy learns something he shouldn't, gets undertaled, meets a sword girl, helps the sword girl kill her dad(he secretly doesn't kill her dad), and then gets into a bunch of shonen fights with orange aliens and their robot army because they want to end an experiment(said experiment is their entire existence).

Present Day

Luno shares an apartment with Mick, his wife, and his cat, Buster. He spends his days cooking, relaxing, doing part-time superheroism, and learning about the universe(multiverse?). At some point he goes to Earth, because I think it'd be hilarious.


image0.jpg?width=810&height=1080(NON-CANON) art by me!

image0.jpg?width=810&height=810art by me!
lunostolfo_1.png?width=810&height=1121(POTENTIALLY CANON) art by MILITARYWIFELUVR

image0.pngart by sunfroggy

image1.jpg?width=810&height=1080art by a friend

image0.png?width=810&height=768art by sunfroggy

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profile html by Hukiolukio, thank you to Nerd-with-a-Pencil for showing it to me