Selune's Comments


I have 2 designs here that I would love to trade, STRAY is off limits though unless that is the only thing you can accept. If none of these are acceptable to you, then I have My art examples here.

You could choose any style, normal or pixel for either a bust or half body, or like two pixel/gif icons. If you’d like, even a custom. Whatever it takes for this baby. 

Ahh im happy to hear you like her! ^^ But i'll have to pass since theyre not rly what im want for my ocs rn, sorry! Tho feel free to reoffer or do a 3-way trade if you still want a chance for her

What are you looking for if i reorder..and Whats a three way trade lol

Okay!! It says you like pixel art..I’ve been doing some recently Examples

These are just icons but I could do a colored half body, shaded ect..maybe even with a blink and some lil sparkle animations or something ^^ 

Ahh it is pretty but not the style im lf! apologies!