Daria Ricci



3 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

First Name


Last Name







99 kg





Sexual Orientation



General Personality & Appearance 

Daria is the complete antithesis of her brother Bedny, and it's obvious, since being the older sister makes Daria take the main role and act all tough, but even so, that does not prevent her from being a woman and do all kinds of normal things, one of her favorite activities is to grab her brother Bedny and do things like braids, hairstyles, or try on her old clothes on them, mostly because she also likes cute things, and her brother is one of the things that she likes the most and her inspiration to keep going no matter what happens, She's very sharpmouthed to the par of being pretty disobedient making her quite hard to reason/cooperate with, a rebel per say. Daria is somewhat thick, with wide hips and a fairly pronounced bust cup size: 34F (100cm bust, 80cm band, for whatever reason you need to know that), but not only that, Daria, despite eating little, is slightly chubby, just enough so that she has little chub handles, Bedny loves to play with their sister's rolls but Daria isn't into the idea, mainly because she is quite sensitive in that area and it is easy to make her squirm or squeal with little tears in her eyes (We've all been there let's be honest), she is mostly brave and with nerves of steel, ready for anything, although a little careless with things or getting annoyed by most stuff, and has a strong temperament, although she always tries to maintain a posture, it is easy for her to break out in multiple emotions, be it anger, sadness, or joy, and let those emotions get the better of you. Her hair is slightly long and unruly, but she likes it that way, She doesn't like to show she's femenine, so that's why she acts all though and such, but in the inside loves all the stuff's like makeup, shopping for clothing, or just the regular stuff that woman usually enjoy.  She has black hair but she has undyed hair unlike her brother, she likes more to be traditional with her way of being, although Daria is also quite a diva and she gets scared by disgusting things like anything dirty (like a trash bag for example), insects and things like that, which means she doesn't like taking out the garbage, doing dishes, or going into a nasty looking place. Very picky about how her things are, she can't eat that much without gaining weight. She could just have a little loaf of bread and already have a big tummy, she has ran out of ideas so she just sorta tries to deal with it. Daria resembles more her father Denise Ricci, since they are both hotheaded, strong, and just generally kind of mean, but Daria 100% has a stronger temper than her father, 


  1. Playing the drums
  2. Shopping 
  3. Mischief
  4. Drinking (occasionally, but goes hard when it happens)
  5. "Activities" with her boyfriend (it's cbt)
  6. Spiritualism 
  7. Witchery

Crimes that Daria has committed at one point


  1. Shoplifting
  2. Public Indecency
  3. Indecent exposure
  4. Bribery
  5. Vandalism
  6. Disturbance of peace
  7. Conspiracy
  8. Public Intoxication
  9. Arson?
  10. Copyright Infringment
  11. Contempt of Court
  12. Product Tampering


  1. Performed the entire wikipedia CBT Article to her boyfriend
  2. She once told at a "Meet santa place" on a mall, the exact quote: "Santa claus is not real, and jesus didn't happen!"
  3. Saved Bedny in multiple ocassions, (minor or mayor)
  4. Don't leave her to cook stuff alone, she will burn everything.

Likes & Dislikes

Milkshakes, her brother, black coffee, alcohol (but she knows how to control it ... Sometimes, but she doesn't get very excited), money, clothes, mint, her boobs (sometimes) Metal, rock (and it's variants especially the heavier ones). her boyfriend, Sour stuff.
 Being bothered by her sibling, inconveniences, her breasts (sometimes), opportunists, that they mess with her sibling, amphibians, insects, reptiles, getting her hands dirty, very cold food or drinks (she is very sensitive in the gums), tight clothing, overly sweet stuff, being chubby. doing the laundry, clowns

Random Facts

  • Contrary to her sibling, she can't eat that much without gaining weight. She could just have a little loaf of bread and already have a big tummy, she has ran out of ideas so she just sorta tries to deal with it.
  •  She like to tease Bedny a lot in a playful way since not only she cares a lot about him, but also cause it's just funny, It backfires tho, Bedny grabs her belly back to tease her too.
  • She has sensitive skin, making her very susceptible to tickling, and will react very intensely to even stuff like getting poked, uncontrolable laugh ensues
  • Daria had a really edgy phase of her life, ya'll know, the classic: "It's not a phase mom! This is real me." It wasn't, she still listens to heavy metal and stuff, but not in that kinda of way as before.
  • Had/has a friendship with Jessica, they don't interact that much thanks to jessica's attitude.
  • Daria resembles more her father Denise Ricci, since they are both hotheaded, strong, and just generally kind of mean, but Daria 100% has a stronger temper than her father
  • She doesn't like to show she's femenine, so that's why she acts all though and such, but in the inside loves all the stuff's like makeup, shopping for clothing, or just the regular stuff that woman usually enjoy. 
  • She curses a lot, and thanks to that temper she also has, it's just a recipe for trouble, almost every week she gets into trouble, like fights, yelling at supemarkets or so, and many more, most of the time they have to take her out and she struggles it while cursing 
  • She is basically a protector for Bedny, since she is the voice of reason to others, but not for herself, so that's how she can help Bedny, it's sort of a brother-sister bond that make them compliment each other. 
  • she also loves a nice thick milkshake, Vanilla with chocolate mint specifically 
  • She's has sensitive teeth, so she struggles with stuff like ice cream or a really cold soda. 
  • She has a beauty mark on the right side of her lower cheek 
  • She knows I Am (All of Me) by Crush40 from the Shadow the Hedgehog soundtrack by heart, she could sing it backwards if she wanted to, the nanosecond it plays she's already wide awake and ready to sing it, actual reason to what got her into doing rock and metal music in general (this happened at the age of 6 years old)
  • While she is capable of cooking from start to finish even with her dad's family side curse (that every male who tries to cook will be absolutely unable to do so, since it either burns, explodes, etc) she inherited said curse in a minor way, meaning she can cook stuff, but something will always go stupidly wrong at the end, either making it unedible/not correct.
  • She's besties with @Aracnimera's (on twitter.com) Vanisha, proper chaos will ensue with this friendship
  • Loves Sephiroth and has a shrine for him
  • Knows spells, potions, and other magic/witchcraft related things, while also be able to fly in a broom
  • If she hears/smells a bag of hamburgers entering the house, she will jump at you like an angry cat from upstairs
  • grabbing her tummy will turn her into a manual shutdown, actual blank mind moment
  • She can break dance
  • She owns like two bras and one of them it's just her special lingerie
  • she is scared of clowns
  • Showers like once every 3 weeks
  • Doesn't wash her clothes for longer than 3 weeks
  • stores boob money (it's very sweaty)
  • Loves shadow the hedgehog more than she does her bf
  • Her Favorite burger joint is called "Bonni-Burgs
  • She wears XXXL pants, being tall and fat isn't too nice on her
  • Her back cracks extremely loudly, you can notice when she wakes up when you hear what's essentially a bone crack shotgun mixed with her screaming at the top of her lungs in relief


Early Childhood - Childhood


Casino/formal attire

Her formal outfit consists of a dark deep desaturated blue dress with heavy makeup, choker and a singular silver earring, paired with some high heels

Rider Outfit


Rider Gear

(Bike, design pending)