Benjamin (Benji)'s Comments

is he ufo? I can offer cash + characters ^^

Ping please ^^

smol ping, entertaining swap offers on Floppa :)

Would you possibly accept usd? If so I can offer $25-30 !!

I don't have any cons :')

sorry I'm not looking for money ): only con swaps ):

Could I possibly be pinged?

They're ufeo right now

I can offer this knite design? I paid $70

I've accepted a different offer. Thank you so much for your interest!

what an adorable baby!

if they ever are up for offers, I'd love to be pinged if that's alright! ^^

Up for entertaining offers right now!

I can offer this soapytea design and $30! ^^

I accepted a different offer for Floppa. Tysm for your offer!

oh my god i love them so much does anyone in my th interest u ill tell u if theyre off limits

i cld also potentially offer money though idk if thats allowed since it was a freebie i cld offer art too ? ee

I accepted someone else's offer. Thank you for the interest!