free character 4 maryon0212


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free character for maryon0212 hope you enjoy themĀ 

Despite the fact that she is supposed to be grown up, she still acts like she is a kitten

she prefers when others to do all the boring tedious chores that she hates doing, she is to busy having her 16 hour a day sleep for any of that nonsense.

She just wants to be loved however very often she can be very clingy and maybe a little bit to demanding for that much needed attention.

Apart from her cats, she has very few friends if any at all and prefers to spend long periods of time by herself though when she is with her cat friends she likes to turn into her feral form which looks like a domestic cat however it has her twin tails, dragon wings, ear nubbins, hood and is in her colours and patterns.

She tries to stay calm and relaxed which is easier said then done, as if she is to get to angry she will go into fight mode which cause spikes to appear on her head back and tails, hidden fangs to be revealed and her eyes to turn a dark black colour

Drakits are an open species created by Bookfangeek

character created and designed by me