


3 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info




Woodland Nix




Oni Teeth | Antennas | Double Tail




NOTE: this character's code is still a WIP, so this code is a placeholder for now!

Civen Featherman

Nickname Civen
Age 27
Sex Female
Clan Role Low leveled hunter
Birthday 10 May
Theme Crash

Civen appears to be quiet and timid nix. Preferring to stay out of other's way and having little to no social interaction with pretty much any other creature besides the Nixes she works with at the nursery or hunting group she was forced to join by her half-brother. She doesn't hate her job, but she isn't exactly "Hunter worthy" or much use in the clan when there's a lack of food either. When it comes to fending for herself she's as useless as a newborn possum, curling up into a ball and hoping whatever attacked her or was a threat walks right over her or loses interest.

Civen's parents died before she was even 5 months old, leaving her in the claws of her 3-year-old half-brother and grandmother who didn't actually care for either of them. So that meant that her half-brother was the one who had to raise her. And because of the kind of clan she was in during that season, hatchling Nixes being born HAD to be near and moderated by family members or mothers or else they would most likely get eaten by other male nixes, killed by other mothers that were protecting their own hatchlings, or even stolen by single females that couldn't find a mate during the season (And most likely would get killed in the process due to too many aggressive nixes swarming around the baby) So she was pretty lucky to even have a grandmother willing to take them in.