Sakura Zankoku



3 years, 1 month ago


(Disclaimer species credit goes to Azurehowlshilach)

Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence
-Leonardo da Vinci

Basic information 

Name:- Sakura Zankoku
Nickname(s):- Cherry (Only by Vozeviar), The pure slayer, slayer, Chief, Death flower, ...
Gender:- Female
Age: - 34 years old
Birthday:- April 21st  
Species:- Mud wolf
Status:- Alive
Sexuality:- Homosexual
Physical Description: - {Mutated + Marked + Symbolized}
Mate:- None
Rank:- Bounty hunter/ group leader/Chief
Summon:- Vozeviar - Ferret/Polecat {Earthly variant}
Extra abilities due to summoning:- While she mostly features the standard structures of a mud wolf, she does have a slightly curved back, that makes her extremely flexible, This gives her body the ability to bend in unnatural poses that would be impossible for a wolf to do, but not for a ferret, She's also able to "latch on” and lockdown on her victim(s) which makes it impossible for the other to get her off, it's also known as her death bite, as the bite is very powerful and can easily break bones...
Unique ability:- unknown

Pack of origin:- Mudlands
Pack/group:- Death howls
Classification:- Young adult

Group members

(still under Development)
Chief:- {1/1} -> Sakura
Blood slayer(s):- {1/3} -> Milo,
Experimenter(s):-{2/5} -> Kama, Zakai
Necromancer(s):-{1/2} -> Karion
Plagueling(s):- {1/2} -> Raynard
Torturer(s):-{2/10} -> Chynine (instructor), kaimana
Spy(s):- {3/3} -> Ryskus, Niklonu 'Ia (instructor), Murayoru
Guard(s):- {4/25} -> Howl, Daichi, Ingentsa, Soisna
Scout(s):- {2/10} -> Pai, Shois
Hunter(s):- {1/10} -> Liaria
Slave(s):- {5/∞} ->  Tanami, Allari, Nivinah, Fwel, Neri

Pack members without status:- ...


Really wanted;
  • Akane 
  • Molniya
Less wanted;
  • ... TBA

All characters belong to their respective owners

(parents)  to be added
(siblings) to be added


  • She's also known to observe before she acts.
  • She keeps her emotions in check and doesn't seem to show any affectionate behavior towards anyone
  • she's cold and cruel 
  • Narcissistic 
  • Her intentions/motivates can be unpredictable 
  •  she lacks sympathy, which makes it easy for her to kill literally anyone in cold blood
  • Before killing another life, she likes to make them suffer as much physically and mentally as possible... she finds enjoyment in other's suffering 
  • very charming when she wants to be, she does have a way with words, and will usually always get what she wants..
  • Very two-faced, she can be a giggling mess that pretends to be a friend one second and the next moment being serious and collected, or she can be downright terrifying - her behavior is quite hard to predict, which makes it difficult to guess her moves.
  • She has a deadly aura to her, her face features can be very expressive although it doesn't say much about what she's thinking about...
  • Despite sometimes putting on a very childish persona at times, don't be fooled by this, she's very intelligent, and never turns her back onto her victims...
  • to be added


To be updated...


  • (Sakura means cherry blossom in Japanese and Zankoku in Japanese means cruelty) 
  • has a liking to collecting rare items and ancient artifacts  
  • Her pupils are known to have a crazed shaky appearance to them - this unsettles a lot of wolves.
  • She's most often referred to as the 'Chief' or 'The pure slayer' due to the mysterious lack of blood on her pelt or paws when she kills an innocent soul.
  • Not many have the privilege to call her by her real name, and those who's dared to speak it without permission have died...
  • She had a brother, however, he is said to have become insane and later on passed away, although, if that's true or not is hard to tell, other rumors say she killed her own brother.. what exactly happened nobody knows..
  • Sakura's scent is oddly enough not reeking of death or blood, but a rather sweet and mellow scent of flowers, specifically of cherry blossoms... some even refer to her as 'the death flower', and if something smells awfully sweet it is advised to run for the hills and not look back.
  • She is noted to hate escape artists, and doesn't like when she's outsmarted, but don't be fooled by this she is rather Intelligent and it's extremely rare and hard to escape her, as it seems she's always one step ahead.
  • Hates the Fenrir's rebellion... they ruin her plans!
  • (Working on it!)