


7 years, 4 days ago
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"Screw-up or no screw-up, you know I love surprises!"



Kayli Sòng
K, Kay
17 years old
Saluki/Samoyed (Foo dog)
Student/Hobby fashion designer
Paris, France
Theme Song:


Kayli is a happy-go-lucky, energetic girl. She is rarely ever sad, and if she is, it's never for long. You can easily expect any help from her, as Kayli is always ready to help her friends in need. Due to her energy and outgoing personality, Kayli isn't really ashamed of much, and will be acting like long friends to anyone; although, she still respects them from the bottom of her heart, so she never pushes too far, and if she does, she's quick to forgive herself and repay her mistake. She never lets anyone step on her, and will never let anyone step on any of her friends either.


Kayli has a peculiar look for anyone who doesn't truly know her story. Her pelt is white as snow, purple dyed hair a complete mess. Two black horns stem from on top of her head, her ears perking up with pastel blue fur inside them. Small freckles covers her nose and cheeks, and larger freckles, much like splotches, appear on her hips and thighs. Her fingers and toes are black as well. She has a medium length feline-like tail, a large black bow at the base. She wears a black bell collar as well.


  • Bows
  • Spiders
  • Drawing
  • Cooking
  • Campfires
  • Marshmallows


  • Rain
  • Heights
  • Seafood
  • Violence
  • Swimming
  • Thunderstorms


Born in China, Kayli is a direct descendant of a family that is believed to be extinct. When people found how just how closely related she was born to her roots, she was taken from her parents and away from her clan, to be put under watch from a group of people to make sure she wasn't violent. From a young age she was given various intelligence tests, which shown that her brain was already way more developed than kids her age. To distinguish her from the rest and for others to know what she truly was, she was given a bell collar, and was ordered to always have it on, to never remove it.

After the authorities caught wind of the experiments, the people responsible were caught and imprisoned away. Kayli was found in a locked room, and due to never having truly known anyone but her captors, she didn't know how to react. But since she was used to the her routine, she followed them without a word. For a few weeks, they tried to find the family of the little 5 years old, until they simply put her in an orphanage.

Once there, due to her horn and collar, people quickly made the connection and the kids were wary of her. She was always friendly to everyone, happy to finally taste a part of freedom and see more people, completely oblivious to others and herself. Her file caught the interest of Orisa, which immediately flew from Africa, to China to adopt the little girl. Orisa moved to Hong Kong to raise Kayli so she could stay close to her roots, and raised her properly, teaching Kayli manners, politeness, inner peace, and everything of the sort. When Kayli reached the age of 15, they moved to Paris, France. She then finally started school, meeting Mabel, instantly becoming friends due to both being Chinese.

On her 16th birthday, Orisa told her everything. From her origin, to the bad people. Kayli finally understood why the people made her a pariah, but after leaning about Foo Dogs of the past from Orisa, she grew more and more proud of herself and her past. Kayli took it as a strength and promised herself to never let anyone else make her feel bad for who she is.


5518109_8jn.pngMabel Dupont-Zhèng ★★★★★ Best friend
Kayli quickly became friends with Mabel, and the two of them having a lot in common, she grew as Kayli's best friend even faster. They spend a lot of time together, sharing the latest gossip and doing girl nights. Kayli fully encouraged Mabel to be with Ansel, being the best wingman she could have been. Kayli is very thankful for having her in her life, knowing she would not have found her place so fast without her. They affectionately simply call each others 'M' and 'K', although Kayli still often calls her 'girl', especially when Mabel does something stupid, funny or adorable.   
5466553_Akp0ObzUoQhbjMk.png?1511072769Ansel Lanoire ★★★★✰ Friend
Being Mabel's childhood and best friend, Kayli was excited to meet the boy, and always acted friendly towards him. She likes having him around a lot, even aside of being Mabel's friend. Kayli wasn't oblivious to Ansel's obvious crush, and wish she could have teased him about it, but unfortunately, she was always cut short in various ways. She trusts Ansel to be good to Mabel, and makes sure he knows she's there for secrets.
5519058_jRd6cIxdjiIhfw7.pngOrisa Oladele ★★★★★ Caretaker
Kayli owes her life and safety to Orisa, and knows it and makes sure Orisa knows it. She likes to call her 'mom/mother', and sees her as one too, being the closest thing she had to a mother.
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  • She mostly speaks Chinese and French, but speaks a bit of Yoruba due to Orisa.
  • She is a full lesbian. Never has, and never will like a boy.
  • She isn't really ashamed of much; she'll sing and dance in public, speak and laugh loudly if she's excited, ect. She says it's her way of spreading joy.
  • Despite having bad memories linked to her collar, she refuses to remove it and feels proud of it.