Joy the Hedgehog



3 years, 1 month ago





90 cm







Joy is a hedgehog whose residence is located in Metropolitan Highway. She lives a pretty mundane life, as a normal citizen with certain passion for those who work to save the day in dire situations. Despite living in a metropoli with a very busy city life, deep down she has a certain sweet spot for the calmer environments.

During her childhood, she had always seen that other hedgehogs were notable for having impressive super powers. However, that was not the case for her- no matter how hard she tried, she would never "fit in" like the rest of her classmates or colleagues. She tried to forget everything regarding this aspect of her life, choosing to try and live a not so busy schedule, and letting others do the job of saving the day. Nevertheless, she always had this burning need of helping others, so she developed a certain liking for technology, seeing that it would be a good tool to help people- it even added the possibility of becoming her own super power.

Eventually, she got to meet Ampere the Jerboa, a brilliant mechanic from Windmill Village. The two bonded together over their appreciation of technology, and she agreed to make Joy a tailored suit full of widgets that she could use in battle. Some time later, the two met another mobian, Neo the Hedgewolf, and they somehow bonded together and agreed to make a team that they called Team Voltage.









  • Fashion and trends
  • Stitching (making stitched plushies, especially)
  • Social media


  • Extreme heights (without protection)
  • Excessive crowds of people
  • Going at excessive speeds

She is very bubbly and optimistic, sometimes a bit oblivious to what happens around her. She has a very cowardly exterior, but when it comes to save someone's life or put them out of danger, the adrenaline makes her courageous and brave, ready to withstand any kind of obstacle. She likes to bring her phone everywhere and take pictures to post on her social media, in which she has kind of a big following. Stitching is also a hobby of hers, and she mostly makes little plushies by her friends' requests (or just for fun).

Due to her being always seen as "weak" compared to her colleagues, she doesn't like to be put in the spotlight in fear that someone might notice the flaws in her and make fun of her for it, so she always likes to stay in the shadows or just "out of frame". Online, she likes to stay anonymous, being known only through her stitched outfits and beautiful pictures.

However, when she adopts a new "hero" lifestyle, she knows that some people would recognize her immediately, so she gets used to the fact that she will not be as "anonymous" as she was.


Fingerprint Glove

Joy wears a glove in her right hand, the fingers of which are covered with a special textile material that has its own fingerprint embedded into it. This way, Joy can activate all of her widgets with this Fingerprint Glove. The fingerprint is not exactly her own, it's just a special fingerprint designed into the textile material itself and it's unique, so that only her (or the one that wears the glove) can activate the widgets. However, Joy's widgets are also programmed to be able to activate with her own fingerprints, in case of an emergency.

Arm Cannon

Joy's left arm is equipped with a kind of arm cannon. This cannon serves as a basic attack function, having a little scope that extends upwards in order to aim, firing little laser projectiles onto enemies. The scope goes back down when it's not in use. This cannon also has a holographic tactile display, that pops up whenever Joy needs it. She can use it as a simple tactile display, or even just as a simple screen display to show information.

The cannon can either fire small, laser projectiles or a thin, long laser beam that can burn whatever it goes through. It's very weak, so she can't rely on it in situations where she's fighting alone.

Holographic Visor

The round earpieces on Joy's sides of the head are a very modern holographic visor, made with cutting-edge technology. The earpiece appears round when not in use. However, they have a very well-hidden fingerprint scan, which Joy can use to activate the visor.

When activated, a small, rectangular extension emerges from the side of the round earpiece, and an electric current goes through both ends of the extension in order to project a visor that covers Joy's eyes. It appears transparent, but it can show information through Joy's eye side only (when viewed from the exterior, nothing appears on the visor). The pieces are equipped with scans that sense certain details like the temperature of a body, its level of energy and power, and other things that Joy might not know about... yet.

Bouncer and Booster boots

Joy's boots are more than fashionable. The soles of it are equipped with two very important mechanisms: the Bouncer and the Booster.

Since she can't run fast on her own, she needs technology to help her. The Boosters on her boots are located on the heel part of the sole, and it's simply some kind of small rocket mechanism that gives her a boost whenever she's running. It can be both a start-up boost to get her on the run, or a continued impulse to make her run fast for a period of time. The boost leaves a pastel blue colored electric trail wherever she runs on.

The Bouncer is similar to the Booster- the only difference is that, instead of increasing her speed, it increases her height in the air. It's barely used, but it's very useful and important when it comes to high jumps. It's located at the forward part of the shoe sole.

Her boots also have a round heel space, made especifically for grinding rails, similar to Sonic's Soap Shoes.


  • She tends to crush on people very often. In fact, she crushes on Silver, Shadow and Sonic mostly.
  • She usually gets very distracted by most things, one of them being her own daydreaming.
  • Out of her "hero" attire, she likes to wear girly clothes in bright, pastel colored tones.
  • She is a big fan of "aesthetic" themes.
  • She lives in a small, 2-room apartment in a big skyscraper in Metropolitan Highway. One of the rooms is crowded with general merchandise of different franchises, and is therefore unusable, so she likes to say that her apartment only has one room.
  • Of course, she keeps this room closed to any kind of visitor and forbids them to even enter, with the excuse that it's just a "storage room".


Silver the Hedgehog [ Friend / Crush ]

They have crossed paths a few times and talked another few, as they both have the interest of helping people. Joy really likes his company, and he finds her rather amusing and interesting too.

Ampere the Jerboa [ Fly Teammate ]

They met on one of Ampere's travels, and bonded over their interest on technology. A brilliant mechanic, Ampere made Joy's suit especifically for her needs and capabilities, as well as teaching her what she can do with the widgets she's equipped with.

Neo the Hedgewolf [ Power Teammate ]

Joy and Ampere met him during one of their travels. Impressed by his electric powers, the girls asked him to be part of the team and he agreed, more worried than anything about what trouble they could cause without supervision.

Amy Rose [ Friend ]

Amy is one of Joy's biggest influences and a role model. She admires her perseverance and strength, and likes to be around her even if it's just for learning purposes. She likes her versatility when it comes to leadership and combat strength.