
3 years, 1 month ago


created sometime in 2018 by sendingstone
recreated 5/10/2021
revealed 6/9/2021

* female (she/her)
* monster hunter stories protag, the oldest known one in the supernova
* 14 years old (postgame), 18 years old (stories 2)

* kind of a little bit the embodiment of "either god or has killed god" but in a different direction from the other paragons
* bubbly, cheery personality -- tries to get along with others as best she can so that they don't leave her
* not all that emotionally mature. probably acts passive aggressive to people she doesnt like
* desperate to be liked; something of a people pleaser
* hatesĀ cheval after stories 1 and hasn't found a way to forgive him yet. he left for manelger's side, betraying her understanding of the world.
* struggles to understand how anyone could forgive theirĀ cheval for what happened
* would literally die for ratha