


6 years, 11 months ago


Known as:: 'B' His birthname is unknown
aged: three years
gender: male
sexuality: what's that?
mate: none

breed: dire wolf
height: 2'2"
weight: 150lbs

body type: lanky as hell
color: brown
markings: black and white markings
eye color: blue

true personality: 
-Complete goofball with those he's closest to
-Trusts only a select few
(Still working on this as he's never been allowed a personality of his own)

learned personality: 
-Obeys without question
-Lives to please his sponsor

about: B was born into slavery, the runt of an unwanted litter, he would have been killed if it wasn't for a high ranking female speaking for him. Sadly that was the last bit of kindness he was shown by her, he spent his first year in training to be the perfect manservant for his sponsor. He lived by a strict code;

Always respond with 'As you wish'
Addresses his sponsor with 'My mistress'
Treat his sponsor with the adoration and respect she is due
Shall act as a bodyguard or canine shield against aggressors
Ensure his mistress is satisfied at all times
His mistresses needs come before his own

After two 'blissful' years with his mistress, she became gravely ill and died suddenly. Typically when a sponsor dies, their manservant is killed and sent with his mistress into the afterlife. Unfortunately for B, that didn't happen, a series of bizarre events led to his unwilling escape and subsequent wandering. He searches for a new mistress.