
3 years, 15 days ago








17 years old


Febrary 8



『Physical description』

Human appearance: 

His black hair is cut to the middle of the shoulders, straight and with the bangs on the side. His eyes are dark green.

Mermaid appearance: 

His hair is green, much lighter, but with the same characteristics as his human appearance. He has light green eyes.

His tail is green.


『Psychological description』


  • Tao is mute, but not by birth. The Sea Witch has taken his pearl and cast a curse, so he cannot speak or sing until he retrieves it.
  • He has a little adoptive sister named Mei.



Long before Gaito tried to take control of the world, even before the destruction of the kingdom of Phantalassa by order of the Queen of Water, long before, there was also a group of mermaid princesses who were in charge of awaiting the welfare of the oceans under the warm protection of the Queen of Water.

As is tradition, after a long term, the Queen of Water chooses a successor among the mermaid princesses to take her place and thus be able to rest. On that occasion, not everyone agreed with the choice of the former Queen. There was a mermaid who went crazy with jealousy and fury when she was rejected, since she thought that she was the best candidate to be the new queen.

In her madness, the mermaid seized an uncontrollable power that almost led to the destruction of the Oceanic Kingdom.

Thanks to the Queen's sacrifice and the union of the mermaids of all the kingdoms under the rule of a new queen, she managed to stop this madness ... but not the cause of it.

The maddened mermaid, to avoid her destruction, was forced to disappear, flee to a small and remote space where she could rest in order to recover the strength lost after the battle and to try again to get what she rightfully believed she believed. yours.

After a while, the new queen located the "traitor" mermaid. But the power of the new queen was still small, she could not be compared to that of the old queen, so she could not destroy the traitor. In her place I only created a magic barrier that would prevent the "evil mermaid" from leaving her resting place while she lived.

In her escape, the evil mermaid devastated much of the kingdoms, taking with her even mermaid pearls that I have not yet been born. All those pearls were trapped forever in that little world, next to the mermaid who tried to take power by force ... her queen.

It has been a long time since that, hardly anyone remembers this story. But the danger exists.

After the last battle of Luchia and the rest of the mermaid princesses against Lord Mikel, the power of the Queen of Water has been weakened and somewhere, someone has noticed it.

Still weak to escape her confinement, the ancient mermaid has sent several of her servants to seize the pearls of the current mermaid princesses, in order to, once again, rise up and seize power as the queen of all oceans.

Tao is one of those pearls that got trapped, and now under the orders of the Sea Witch she has been able to cross the barrier and travel to land to get the power of the pearls of the mermaid princesses.
