


6 years, 11 months ago


Denosferatu are a closed species created by BlazeDeNosferatu / LazyBlazey and you may not make your own without her permission
Check out the group for more information!!

--Notable Traits--
Sclera: Black (common)
Eyes: Slit (common)
Horns: 3 (common)
Ears: Dragon (uncommon)
Tail: Paintbrush (uncommon)
Feet: Male Spikes (common)
Cape: Long (rare)

Gender: Male (rare)

Ability: Shadow Manipulation (common)

Touched Traits: N/A
Abnormalities:  N/A
Cursed Traits: N/A

Eye Minion's Magic: TBA

--Info (WIP)--

Name - Aidenn (Means Paradise in Arabic)
Age - idk yet, probably oldballs in human years
Gender - Male, he/him
Sexuality - Pan-sexual pan-romantic

(Is a complete ho BUT can tone it tf down if a partner wishes. Hasn't found a 'life mate' yet and it'll probably take a while considering the amount of humans he's been with. Not in the mood for losing people (andthenshemadeitsad))
Occupation - Musician/Singer, Self Defence Teacher (somehow)

Bio - I'll figure it out eventually, as well as where he actually lives. He likes comfortable pants and frilly shirts, kind of like an old school vampire type vibe with a mix of scruffy male witch? It made more sense in my head. Probably even has a cane with a fancy looking skull at the top and everything.

Personality - A heart of gold wrapped up in a winning smile and godly physique, plus one silver tongue. At least that's how he'd describe himself. To casual observers he'd come off as cocky or arrogant with little care for others so long as he leads them to the bedroom, but anyone who takes longer than 30 seconds to speak with him will realise just how genuine of a person he is. Granted he still enjoys wooing the populace and getting his 'nightly kicks', but he's not a kiss & tell kind of guy, and he'll always be around to cook breakfast the day after. While he's a-ok preying on humans, he's got quite a soft spot for animals large and small, which yes even includes weird looking fish and all them bugs that somehow survived the dinosaur ages.

Eye Minion Name: Lustre
Eye Minion Personality: A snarky little shit who feels the need to make a remark about literally everything Aidenn does, which naturally gets taken in stride. It's more banter than anything as they're both super good friends, and are a fantastic team when Lustre feels like co-operating. He'll move in a Z shape instead of snapping his fingers as, well, he lacks fingers. Don't remind him though, he'll pout and comment on your foot wear before most likely being shoo'd away by Aidenn.