razz jacobs!



3 years, 4 months ago



  • AGE 28
  • D.O.B June 1st
  • PRONOUNS she/he/they
  • ORIENTATION panrom asexual
  • ALIGNMENT chaotic good


Razz was a child who was born with metahuman powers: the power to influence people's emotions, whether they know it or not!! Basically, whatever she is feeling at any given moment, the people around her will begin to feel too. If she spills her coffee on the sidewalk and begins to cry, the people walking down the street passing by will inexplicably feel downtrodden and eye-watery. If she laughs hysterically at a funny joke on her phone while she's riding the subway, suddenly people engaging in conversation will find themselves laughing at each word. Because of this, Razz was bounced around the foster care system quite a bit as her caretakers began to see a correlation between whatever Razz was feeling that given day and their own emotions. 

Now an adult, Razz works as a clown at a traveling circus, enamored with her ability to make the crowds roar with laughter and loving the attention. Nothing makes her happy than making people happy -- and nothing makes people happy like Razz being happy. 

However, Razz doesn't really know his own strength very well, and sometimes is scared of affecting people when they don't intend to. He's working very hard on keeping his emotions in check. 


Ditzy, clumsy, silly, emotional, random, excitable, and wild, are all fitting words to describe Razz. Their personality is as wide and vast as the color spectrum! However, because of the unpredictability of their powers and the intense effect it also has on others, Razz has been prone to mood swings their whole life. One small problem can destroy her whole day, which has led to her feeling like she has to be happy 24/7 so that other people don't have to be caught up in her problems as well. Sometimes, though, this leads to quite a bit of emotional repression. Yay for therapy in adulthood!


  • sour candies
  • playing with kids at the circus 
  • making people laugh
  • movie-musicals
  • dancing
  • amusement parks


  • bullies/mean people
  • spicy foods
  • waiting in line 
  • being sad/crying/thinking about sad stuff or difficult topics


  • Razz dresses in clownish attire 24/7, she truly believes it was her life calling to become a clown and make those around her laugh and smile. 
  • Razz had various jobs when they turned 18 and was booted out of the foster care system. He was either the best or worst salesman in the various retail jobs he held down, given however he was feeling that day. 
  • They love to make friends, even though they feel like they aren't really good at it.
  • Most of the money they make goes towards the junky shopping sprees they love treating themself to at the mall. 
  • Razz is intensely flexible, and one of her favorite moves to do at the circus is when she stands/walks on top of a big inflatable ball! She can also juggle.

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