garage band!



3 years, 1 month ago



  • AGE 22
  • D.O.B September 16th
  • PRONOUNS she/he/they/xe
  • ALIGNMENT true neutral


One half of a pair of self-insert characters I made, alongside Off Brand. Garage Band is a personal representation of the calm, carefree, down-to-earth, unanxious personality I am working towards, to contrast Off Brand's... let's call it "insanity". GB doesn't really stress too much about life; he likes to simply go with the flow and see where things take him. Xe is calmly self-confident and well assured of things, and spends most of their time with their partner Off Brand. They help keep each other really grounded and happy. She works in retail and enjoys listening to rock music and going to concerts. GB goes to college for music theory, and was also a Starbucks barista for a while. 


Garage Band can only be described as "chill". They're seemingly unaffected by most things, their reaction always calm and cool (barring extenuating scenarios of course). Xeir relaxed confidence helps put everyone around xem at ease, especially Off Brand. However, GB really does seem to enjoy and love life, always participating in fun activities and laughing loud when they can. 


  • Shopping at Hot Topic
  • going to the mall in general
  • tea, coffee, sofa, monster energy, caffeinated drinks of any kind
  • Listening to music on xeir big headphones
  • getting new piercings


  • Being pushed/shoved at concerts
  • Rude customers at work
  • sweet foods (they prefer salty and spicy)


  • They smoke cigarettes often, but OB is trying to get them to stop.
  • When they're not feeling lazy, Garage Band puts his hair in liberty spikes. 
  • Some bands GB enjoy include the classics like My Chemical Romance, Pierce the Veil, and Fallout Boy but he also enjoys Insane Clown Posse. 
  •  GB once broke her ankle because she wears her demonias pretty much everywhere.
  • She went through an intense scene/nightcore phase in high school. 
  • Ze loves bringing coffee and snacks to Off Brand's house and taking naps on their couch. Since Off Brand sleeps during the day, they often take naps together. 

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