nicolas 'sour patch' kelly!



3 years, 1 month ago



  • AGE 30
  • D.O.B October 29th
  • PRONOUNS he/they/it
  • ORIENTATION bisexual
  • ALIGNMENT chaotic neutral


Once, Sour Patch was just a man doing his job. A professional hitman, he took lives with no problem and not much thought. However, a small skirmish one night landed him in the hospital, and there, he met his future partner, who had dealt with a chronic illness all their life. They fell in love, and Sour Patch fell out of the professional killing game.

However, years later, the illness took their partner's life, something that they had prepared for before marrying. Now, he's back in his old habits, same long nights on the job, but now with half of their heart ripped from their chest. 


Nick is someone who barely shows any emotion whatsoever, and the grief he's often encapsulated in doesn't help this fact. Most of the time, he has an extremely deadpan expression. It finds most of its peers very annoying. Despite having a somewhat cloudy personality, Sour Patch enjoys wearing bright neon accents of color, as shown with its bright hair and rainbow socks it keeps hidden underneath its dark pantleg. Nick keeps all of his cards very close to his chest, and has trouble opening up to people in any way. They also tend not to empathize with people very well, hence his success at his job as a hitman.


  • instant noodles
  • getting blackout drunk
  • smoking cigarettes
  • taking hot baths
  • the receptionist at his apartment complex (they're friends)


  • people who try to make him laugh
  • his obnoxious peers
  • when really shitty people beg for their lives
  • being alone in he and his partners apartment 


  • When Nick is feeling particularly depressed, he takes baths with all his clothes on.
  • Sour Patch uses a pistol with a silencer attached to take out most of his targets; he's no sharpshooter, but he gets up close and personal and gets it done without much time for talk. 
  • Most of their meals are eaten at night, so all of the ramen bars, late-night diners, and takeout pizza places know him very well. 
  • It has tattoos on its chest, and frequently goes to the same place for more facial piercings. 
  • Its natural hair color is black. 
  • The thing that they loved most about their partner was that they accepted them as they are, no matter the moods, and always let them feel how they felt. Not to mention, his partner was a very sunny, interesting person, who could always coax a smile out of him without trying. 

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