


3 years, 1 month ago



  • AGE 200+
  • D.O.B ???
  • PRONOUNS she/they
  • ORIENTATION bisexual 
  • ALIGNMENT lawful good


Although she was a fully grown woman, she was still naive when she fell in love with the pureblood vampire Roscoe sometime in the 1800s. Deeply attached to him, they were married, and after many long talks, decided that he would turn her into a vampire as well so that they could live out the rest of eternity by each other's side. However, eternity is a really, really long time, and the life of a vampire is extremely lonely and secluded, Sheila found. A hundred years passed. Things turned sour and rocky. Romance faded. And their divorce became finalized, much to Roscoe's lovesick despair and Sheila's relief. 

She was 35 when she consensually died at the hands of her loving, yet buffoonish, husband. Now, she's 200 or so and has the rest of time stretching out in front of her. What now? 

Sheila currently lives in LA doing her divorcee thing. Life is good and carefree, and she's a very modern gal now, doing modern things as if she wasn't born hundreds of years ago. She also spends a good amount of time swatting away Roscoe's advances to check in on her and make sure she's alright, now wanting to create an identity as a vampiric undead that isn't connected to her still-attached ex. 


Sheila has a fierce, passionate personality: she burns bright like the sun and turns heads wherever she goes! She is always open and honest about how she's feeling, and encourages others to be the same way. She is a very friendly person who loves being around other people and making connections. Sheila also has a very strong sense of loyalty and family: chances are if you're with her and she's with you, she will do her best to stick by you and stick up for you (unless you're Roscoe. Ha ha, sucks to be him.) 

Sheila is someone who laughs loud and laughs a lot, with moods that tend to infect the people around her in the best way. She has a way of making everyone feel seen, heard, and accepted: in fact, it's hard NOT to fall in love with her. 


  • Fashion
  • Tennis
  • Going to the beach
  • Hanging out with friends
  • LA Night life


  • Weird men 
  • Roscoe's stuffy presence 
  • Hangovers


  • Although she is a couple hundred years old, she is suspended at the age she was when she was bitten by Roscoe, which is 35. 
  • Despite the fact that she will hit Roscoe with a fly swatter for stalking her in the modern age, she is actually okay with seeing his brother Duke. However, out of respect for her privacy, Duke doesn't go out of his way to get into contact with her. Just the occasional "hope you're doing well" e-mail from him, as the two were good friends during her marriage to Roscoe.
  • Sometimes, she feels resentful towards Roscoe for turning her, but she knows it isn't entirely his fault. After all, choices are choices, and sometimes you've just got to live with what you've got in life. Sheila tries not to waste a lot of time fretting or despairing about it.
  • She sees Fawkes, Georgie, and Elise like her own kids, despite the fact that Fawkes and Elise are actually older than her.
  • She has no idea if she ever wants to date again, or if it will be with a vampire or normal human. Right now she is just really enjoying having a fun human friend group and small connection to other vampires.
  • She is very fashionable. She would like to be a model someday, but she worries that her teeth will stand out, as well as how pale and dead her skin can look without a more lifelike foundation. For now, she posts a lot of modeling photos on Instagram. Photo editing her vampiric qualities out sure can be helpful!

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