
Personal info

  • Japanese name: Shiori Amai (甘い 詩織)
    • She's also called Shio (塩)
    • Haizaki calls her Sutoberikeki (ストロベリーケーキ)
  • Dub name: Astrid Krone
    • Haizaki calls her Strawberry Shortcake
  • Age: 13
  • Birthday: June 16th (♊)
  • Relatives:
    • Amai Yuuki (father)
    • Amai Akari (mother, Taira Akari when she was not married)
    • Unnamed grandparents
    • Ninjin Natsuki (cousin)
    • Ninjin family

Sports info

  • Position: Midfield
  • Element: Air
  • Teams she's been in:
    • Inakuni Raimon
    • Inazuma Japan (Orion no Kokuin)
    • Seisho Gakuen (in the epilogue of Orion no Kokuin)
  • Number:
    • 13 (Inakuni Raimon)
    • 26 (Inazuma Japan)
  • Affilations
    • Ares no Tenbin (when she was younger)

  • VA:
    • Japanese: Reo Kurachi (E.g.: Reona Nyubara "PAREO" from BanG! Dream)


  • Anime: Episode 2 (Ares no Tenbin); Episode 8 (Orion no Kokuin)

Shiori Amai is a midfield and manager of Inakuni Raimon who appears in Inazuma Eleven: Ares no Tenbin, she's also part of Inazuma Japan in Inazuma Eleven: Orion no Kokuin as a reserve player.


Shiori shows herself as someone eccentric and confident of herself, who's saying in many occasions things that have nothing to do with the conversation. She gestures a lot and she's not used to respect her upperclassmen, something that makes other people see her as a mean and weird person. In spite of that, Shiori usually tries to say things with a meaning or intention behind, and even if her cardiac rythm increases when she does it, she gets excited and emotional easily. Shiori can be resentful and vindictive on her own way, for example, when it comes to talk about her parents, she treats them as strangers because of the many verbal abuses she has recieved, specially from her mother. She can also be a fake person with people she doesn't like, for example with Nosaka or Anna, with who shows a polite and friendly face, but she dislikes Anna because of what she wanted to do with the football club and because of the fact she quickly joined the team, seeing her like if she was someone opportunistic. About Nosaka, she doesn't get along well with him because of his implication in Ares no Tenbin project because of her expierence in it, that's why she has an ill will towards him. She always does references about symbolisms and mythology, knowing other people would understand what she means.

All this facet she shows towards everyone is a facade to hide a shy and socially awkward girl who had always problems to express what she wanted to say to the others since she was little. She gets easily nervous and shows to be more faint-hearted. She describes this side of her as a "weak", "pathetic" and "coward" one, evidencing her pessimistic behaviour. She's someone intelligent, but she didn't know how to express her own ideas, and that's why she reccurs to other ways to express herself. She hates when someone tries to offer "a solution for her future", mainly because of her expierence in Ares.

In Orion no Kokuin, after solving her family problems and recieving a more adecuated treatment for her condition, she showed more communicative and tries to respect her upperclassmen. She tries to show more her true self, but she still has to work on her insecurities. She usually shows some hang-ups which came from her interactions with Haizaki, like for example her enthusiasm when she sees a stronger rival, or when someone makes her get nervous, she gets static.


  • Backstory

Shiori was born in Inakuni island, although her parents work in Tokio so she only goes to the island when her parents were on holidays. His father, who was born and grew up in a small village, got a closed mentality thanks to his family education and beliefs, including women. He wanted his wife to give birth to a boy, but instead of it Shiori was born. Since she was little, she had many problems to interact with other people, talking on school only when it was required, getting easilys scared of everything. She was not even able to talk other children because she easily get scared and embarrased of talking to others and annoy them. Because of this, her parents were not proud of this attitude of her, specially her father, mainly for the previous reasons, which made him feel disdain to her. Both of them openedly were saying harmful words to her daughter, like for example, that she was a "pathetic" and "wimpy" child, even in front of other people. They also did not see any future on her because she was too reserved to even talk and show her intelligence. Instead of getting annoyed, she assumed those words as true and believed she was actually weak. I want to clarify that those were going further and further time by time, getting worse after the Ares no Tenbin program

She didn't have any relationship with anybody from the Inakuni island excepting her grandparents and Yuichiro Mansaku, this is because her family were regular costumers of his father's restaurant and she was always sent to buy sushi so she could talk with other people, but because of her shyness, she was not able to talk to him with more confidence and closeness.

Their parents saw an advertisement on TV about the Ares no Tenbin program, a system which promises to the participants to be the best ones on their skills by being "trained" on it. They were not aware of the consequences, so they inscribed her on the project, hoping she would be selected as part of it. She ended up being selected, and then she met Akane Miyano, a girl of her age who was also there. She was her first friend and she was the one who made Shiori open herself and interact at least with her. She also got to meet Nosaka Yuuma and other members from Otei Tsukinomiya, but she didn't really interact much with any of them more than occasional greetings. However, the chemicals that were using with her had sequels on her health because she developed descompensatory heart failure, a disease that makes her have arritmic heartbeats in sudden and easily, because it could even affect her when she's eating. That's why her parents quitted her from it. Her father got even more ashamed of that, and her mother thought she was not really able to do anything by her own, losing any hope for her.

Shiori, tired of this, started treating her parents like if they were strangers, and she was denying to recieve any treatment, in fact, it was difficult for her to accept taking pills, and this is because she didn't trust anymore on "solutions for her future". When she knew what happened to Akane, she started to visit her every day, but in one of those visits, a grey-haired boy opened the door of the room, something that surprised Shiori at the point she started to suffer a tachycardia, and the boy tried to help her as a human reaction, screaming for the help of a nurser. Shiori ended up taking a pill and relaxing some minutes after it. She saw that boy and she wanted to run away, feeling scared of him because of the way he was looking at her. But instead of running, she apologized for the intromission and explained she was Akane's friend and that she met her because them both were on Ares no Tenbin program. That made him feel some empathy for her and introduced him as Haizaki Ryouhei. Shiori and Ryouhei met in more occasions and started to become friends, but her mother didn't like him because of her appearence, restricting their interactions so they couldn't be in touch as much as Shiori would like to. It's possible that she started to like Haizaki, but the way he was looking and talking to Akane made her think he liked her, so she decided to put her feelings behind and to exit the room for a long time to let him stay alone with Akane

One day, some months before the Ares season events started, Shiori got into a discussion with her father because she told him she's sick of being displaced, but the argue turned out in a higher tone so he punched her in the face. Despite he was regretful for having hurt her, since he's not the kind of man who would physically punch anybody, he thought that was a proportional measure. However, in a familiar eating, her aunt realized something was going wrong when she saw the marks in Shiori's eye, but she preferred to ask Shiori without her parents around. She was aware of Shiori's father's attitude towards women, so she inmediately got alarmed. When Shiori finally told her about the truth behind her household, she reclaimed her custody, which was won. She would have met Natsuki, her cousin, but Shiori quickly started to show distrust and hatred to her, because she wanted to have the same life as hers. Since she was planning to get into Seisho Gakuen, instead of being there with Haizaki, something she wanted, she preferred tl stay away from her cousin and be in Raimon.


  • Inazuma Eleven: Ares no Tenbin

She made her debut on episode 2, mentioning she wanted to be Raimon's manager with Tsukushi. When she saw Anna wanting to enclose the football club with her friends, she started to watch her with a bad look, even if she later would join as a manager, something she saw as "oportunistic". In the inauguration match of Inakuni Raimon VS Seisho Gakuen, she was showing a pessimistic attitude to Raimon because she knew how good Haizaki was at football, so instead of aiming any team, she was throwing a coin on the air. 

She's later seen some moments with Akane and Haizaki, talking with them, but she as always went out to the room. In that occasion, while she was drinking a water bottle, her cardiologist passed next to her, and he greeted her, asking Shiori how was she. She told him she was alright and that there was no problem, even if her heartbeats were more intense and frequent then usual. He requested her to make a check to her heart to see if everything was really alright, and she accepted. After going to it and seeing the results, the doctor warned her that it was urgent for her to change the treatment for her heart and to abandon the pills because of the side effects of those (since Shiori was taking them whenever she wanted to and whenever she started to feel a little bad). She completely denied and told him everything was alright and to not worry about her.

During the following matches, she was trying to help and aim Raimon in everything she could, following closely Seisho Gakuen's trajectory and to help managers with their activities. But when Seisho lost 3-0 against Otei Tsukinomiya and when she saw how they were using Greed Omega against the players, her need to defeat Ares no Tenbin increased, specially after seeing how Nosaka humilliated Haizaki, from her point of view. Shiori asked Asuto if she could go with him, something he accepted to, but when they were at Seisho Gakuen, Shiori ran away and hid herself behind a tree because she was affraid of facing him at that moment and tell him to keep playing soccer. Some seconds later, she was already crying, but Asuto called her name and the tears stopped some moments later, when he asked her where she was, she told him the wind was blowing something she had in her hand and tried to chase it. When she went to the Windsor Appartments, she went to the rooftop. Mansaku saw her going upstairs with a strange face, so he went too to see what happened with her. He weaved at her, something that scared her a little bit. After getting relaxed, he asked her what happened, and she explained him through a metaphore that she was not able to help Asuto convince Haizaki. He understands more or less what she tries to say, so he told her she should "try to fly again" so she "can do it this time". Shiori cheered herself up, and, on the next day, she was looking for him in the hospital and asked nurses about that, but they told her they didn't see him. She wasn't going to give up, so she went to Seisho Gakuen, and she luckily found him while he was going way his home. She stopped him and asked him why he didn't play football. She tried to convince him to play football, but seeing she wasn't convincing him (he was also showing aggresive gestures and irritated of her insistence), she told him she will play herself for him and she will win. He told her to stop saying stupid things because she coudn't play because of her disease, starting to walk, but Shiori told him she didn't care about it. She didn't recieve any response.

Shiori was showing herself more anxious for the day of the finals with Otei Tsukinomiya, so she started training by herself under her possibilites to become skillful and strong enough to play against them. When the coach mentioned Haizaki got in the team and when she saw him in, she was the first one along with Asuto who greeted him with happiness. She was surprised of his entrance in Raimon, but when she knew his reasons, she smiled and said the team will win. She asks Cho Kinun if she can play this match, but he refused of it because he knew about those problems, but she mentioned she will assume any risk, so she could demonstrate Ares no Tenbin program was worth for nothing. He ended up accepting.

In the day of the match, she let her bangs down and she was wearing the team uniform, but when her teammates saw her, no one could recognize her, so she backed out her hair. Shiori explained she could be able to play like that. She was able to take the ball from her opponents because of her keen senses, but Nosaka would realize how she does it and would be able to steal her the ball. Her heartbeats were getting more and more annoying, and she was seeing Nosaka in the ground having severe headaches, something that made her realize Nosaka was also a victim from the program.

During the second time, she was able to see her parents on the grades watching her, something it surprised her, and that gave her more forces to keep playing. Haizaki, who was aware of how she was acting, asked her what was happening to her and why she was still playing. She told him her parents are watching and that she must play that match. But Akane was calling both of them and told them to stop playing by revenge and that she was alright. Akane also told Shiori to go to the bench, something that really shocked her. Akane told her to not worsen her health, but when she was going to take another pill, Haizaki throw them away and made her spit the pill she had on her mouth. He was really annoyed because of the way she was risking her health, but she ended up understanding she had to take more care of herself and she acceded to go to the bench. After the match, she was talking with Akane while Haizaki and Nosaka were talking with Ares no Tenbin's CEO. She thanked Akane for caring about them and for coming to see the match, and even if she was not aggree of the fact she faked her disease, she forgave her. She also promised her she would take care of her health and to not concern them anymore. Akane asks her why she was always leaving the room to let Haizaki and her alone, but she instead of telling her why, she said she had to go. She saw Haizaki walking to them and her parents' car, so she decided to run away and let things be.

  • Orion no Kokuin
Shiori appears in chapter 8 before the match against Uzbekistan's team, while everyone was training. Suddenly the ball went away and she kicked it back to Haizaki. Everyone was shocked, and Ryouhei was screaming for the person who kicked the ball to come there. Everyone who knew her got surprised to see she was the one who kicked the ball and the fact she was alright and moving without showing pain signs. Haizaki went closer to her and grabed her from her arm, telling her angrily why she was being careless with her health again, but Shiori tried to calm him down despite being scared at his mad face close to her, she tried to keep calm and she told him she underwent an operation of heart transplant and now she is perfectly able to play football and give her everything. Haizaki ended up calming down after hearing that and he told her she now could do any stupid stuff without consequences. Shiori, understanding the meaning of that, smiled and thanked him. Everyone, specially Mansaku, was happy for her. She introduced herself to her other teammates who could not know her.

Some moments before the match, she felt bad vibes in the team because of Ichihoshi's presence, and she asked Haizaki about that. He explained her what he had done so far, and she understood why most of the players were tense around him. When she heard about Orion Foundation, she coudn't avoid to relate it with Ares no Tenbin program, so she inmediately got hostile with him and other players from this foundation during the following matches. Although she understood why Ichihoshi was acting like that and what was happening with him, she took some time to forgive his actions, showing her fake side with him for some time until she finally understood he was not a bad guy at all.

In the boat party, Shiori was really nervous of which dress should she wear, she wanted to impress Haizaki, but she felt like it will be a loss of time, so she grabbed a simple pink dress, black high heels and pearl earrings, going down with the other girls. However, Shiori was not used to wear those shoes and she fell some times before arriving to the stairs. She saw how beautiful the other girls were, and she, with some insecurities, went down with them and did her best to show confidence. She called Haizaki's attention by screaming to him if she was "cool enough", what made him blush because he didn't understand what did that mean. After that, she enjoyed the party playing with the Spanish players and telling them she was really interested in their culture, so she let them tell her more. She made good friends with them, but she finally went out and watched the stars alone. Kaede, who saw her alone, asked her what happened, but she just told her she was only watching the stars and thinking about many things. Then she slightly dropped that she would like to enjoy the party along with Haizaki. Her blue-haired friend understood that and decided to search Haizaki by herself. But it was not needed because some time later, he saw her and asked Shiori if she wanted to hang out with him a little. Shiori told him if he was asking her for any casual to dance with him, what made him blush. He told her it was not like that, but they ended up having a funny night together dancing and enjoying it with their other mates.

She was many time in the bench but she played the match against Russia, where she met a girl called Misha Belova, who made good friends with because they both were enjoying to play the match and admired something from the other girl. But when Misha left with Froy, she wondered why, but she kept in the match, feeling sad they have lost. However, she also felt good to know they would be able to keep playing. She kept in touch with the girl called Misha, from who knew Orion is not as bad as it seemed to. She was impressed of Aphrodi's beauty and she said he was an actual God. In the match against USA, Shiori got worried for the mine bombs, but after knowing the trick of those, she could play more confidently. She and Haizaki showed their combined Hissatsu in that moment, marking a goal.

In the rest of the chapters, she was in the bench as a reserve player, and she was not chosen for the Cho Kinuns team. In the prologue, it's known she was transferred to Seisho Gakuen, because she's seen in the welcome party of the team carrying a cake with her which was in a box, and later in the row of this team teasing Haizaki.

It's not known if she ended up being honest with her feelings to Haizaki, but it seems that they both have no problem with that anymore.



  • [DF] Devasting spinning wheel
  • [SH] Wrapping shadows
  • [OF] Amenta
  • [SH] Oracle's eye
  • [SH]Hell penguin (With Haizaki)
  • [DF]Universal deluge (with Mansaku)


  • Her name's kanjis in Japanese, Shiori, have two meanings: 
    • (poem)
    • (weave)
  • Her nickname in Japanese, Shio (塩) means "salt"
  • Her surname in Japanese, Amai, (甘い) means"sweet"

  • She likes strawberries, dangos, blackberries and turkey meat; however, she dislikes tomatoes, salmon and oily food
  • She likes to do references about Greek mythology, specially about Nemesis, the goddess of revenge
  • She thinks her pills are like candies, that's why she bites them like that without drinking water
  • When Haizaki calls her Shiori, she feels stange because she's used to be called Strawberry Shortcake
    • This apelative was an idea of @andy_reignsworld who suggested me that when she saw the first drawing I made of her, and I also needed an appelative that Haizaki could use with her
  • Her favorite color is green, but she also likes pink and yellow
  • She has a lot of curiosity to know more and be around people who's admirable on her eyes, like, for example, Hiroto, Haizaki, Nishikage or the coach Cho Kinun
  • She's the youngest member of the team along with Haizaki and Ichihoshi
  • All her hissatsu have to do something with mythology
  • She likes horror movies 
  • She doesn't like surprises, and, even after her transplant, she cannot assimilate the fact of being unexpectedly surprised
  • She has a good friendship with Mansaku, seeing him as her big brother
  • Because of Haizaki, she likes teddy bears
  • She loves to be gifted mythology books with cool portraits in them and music boxes
  • She's able to play football with her bangs over her face because she was trained in Ares no Tenbin program to develop her senses on playing football
  • She likes when Mansaku gives her sushi from her father because she likes its taste and thinks it's really delicious
  • She has a strange birthmark on her collar bone
  • She has good aim and when she plays shooting games on the amousment parks, she usually wins something
  • Her name on the field, "Shadows' Witch" is an apellative that she herself gave to her on Orion season; in Ares she was not known in any way because she did not play any match excepting the one against Outei Tsukinomiya
    • She makes reference of the mythological character, Persephone, who's the underworld queen and Hades' wife in the Grecolatin mythology 
    • This could also be related with Haizaki's title, "Demon of the field"
  • Her MBTI type is INFP