


7 years, 1 day ago


Name: Tuna

Age:242 looks 15

Gender: male

Species: siren

Height: 5'2"

Occupation: man hunter

RelationshipsRyvill Nasher(friend)

Quirks: blind can only see large

             shapes, over eats, singings

             to himself when he's lonely,

               Sleeps on dry land( in his

               underwater cave)

Likes:seashells, swimming, eating

          fish, silk, sand between his

          toes, collecting seashells,

          singing, taller or buffer guys

Dislikes: getting teased, pollution,

              trash, humans, missing

              meals, bright lights, smoke,

               Land dwellers.


Tuna grew up his trying to protect the ocean. Doing his best to keep the waters clean. 

His parents taught him to lure humans and other monsters to their deaths thus ridding the ocean of invading land dwellers.

 He was quite skilled at it, using his charms to bring invaders into the depths. Despite his size, he was quite strong. 

Still is in fact. During one of his hunts, he was blinded by a human. They shined him with an unusually bright light. Burning his retinas. 

After the incident, he wasn't as adept at catching and drowning prey. Spending a great deal of his time sulking in his cave.

 Gorging himself on fish and other small amphibious creatures. His other senses were heightened in time, slowly coming out of his cave to hunt once again. 

Though he doesn't do it as often as he used to.