


3 years, 1 month ago


Jeb (Jebidiah) Zebra stallion. No cutie mark. Grumpy, cynical, loner. 

Jeb, like most zebras, has a faint magic ability that can be channelled through physical objects. While not as potent as the magic of ponies, zebras do still have magic, though it's a lot more limited. The most famous is definitely Zecora, who can channel her magic through potions to create tonics and mixtures that would be inert if made by another race. Jeb's magic works well with maps. He is a cartographer. He can create a detailed map of a place, or a route to an object or location, after only being there a short time. Sometimes without even exploring the place at all. When he puts all his effort in his maps are beautiful, accurate, and covered in illustrations. When he can't be bothered or is less focused, they tend to be slightly off or wrong. Jeb could make a fair bit of money or fame from his gift, but choses not to. 

He's never understood the magic of friendship. And to be frank, he can't stand most other races, except maybe griffins who he tolerates as they are never pushy with friend making and tend to have riches to exploit. Jeb sees most ponies as a mark, an easy target to make a few coins then skedaddle away. He's been known to sell his less accurate maps as "treasure maps" and when when they lead to nothing of interest he'll blag that the treasure was "the journey" or "the friendships they made along the way" playing into the ponies' fierce love of friendship.

He's always on the move. Both because he's a bit of a conman and has to find fresh areas where his reputation hasn't proceded him, and also because of his love of exploring and finding new places. The less inhabited the better, in Jeb's opinion. Less ponies means less annoying friend attempts. He has a wagon he takes to new locations and once he's found a suitably private spot, will set up a temporary base there as he explores the area, earns some gold, makes some enemies, then moves on.