


3 years, 1 month ago


high demon of wrath
sybil. ageless. demon. female.

sybil is a bratty young demon, taking the appearance and demeanor of a child. she is rather clingy towards and dependent on the more mature demons around her. in-line with her sin, she is a short-tempered girl. she has to have things her way or else she will throw fits. despite her tiny stature, she is prone to violence and has surprising strength.
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alabaster acts as a big brother to sybil. though he is rather cruel to her at times, as he is with all of the sins.

paavi is more of a kind parental figure than alabaster. though the two tend to cause havoic together and make problems.

marilena is friendly to sybil and tends to dote over her. however, marilena is envious of all sins one way or another and can be spiteful.

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sybil was born in a tiny village during the late middle ages. her village was constantly under attack by neighboring civilizations. when she was 5, her mother was killed during one of these invasions, and she was left to live with her emotionally absent father. she harbored resentment towards those around her due to this. one day when she was 8, she met a kind young priest who was visiting. the priest promised to give her the power to protect her village from harm in exchange for her soul. she agreed out of desperation. the priest revealed himself to be a demon by the name of alabaster, who turned her into a horrific beast. she had the strength to fight off those invading. but after they were fought off, her village killed her out of fear and she descended into hell.

if she is killed on earth, she is revived in hell.

she has immense strenght for her size. despite being 4'3, she can lift around 50 tons.

she can turn her ribbon into various weapons. unlike other demons, she isn't limited to ones she knows the inner workings of.
html by Jayden