Lucky Lucky Blackjack



3 years, 10 days ago


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"Mess with the Bull, You get the horns!"

Lucky 'Lucky' Blackjack
Grand Line / New World ( One Piece )
Mink Tribe ( Devil Fruit User )
Devil Fruit
Gacha Gacha no MiΒ 
Wondering Mink

Lucky 'Lucky' Blackjack is from a mysterious part of the Grand Line. No one knows who his parents are, mainly due to him possibly being left behind without meaning to by chance. It is believed he is a Rabbit Mink, with a strange mutation of sharper teeth than normal rabbit minks. It was later realized he is a very rare Type of Jackalope Mink, who broke off his horns leaving small stubs near his ears. He was adopted by an older woman, who took him in as a chore boy originally, but quickly the two grew to be like family. She would tell him stories about her old life as a pirate captain and fighting marines, etc. She, later on, gives him a special devil fruit she had been holding onto for many years, thinking it was time for some to eat it. He happily accepted it, knowing the risks of not being able to swim ever again. Later on, he is seen fighting on his own for some reason, and also happens to have been training with his devil fruit powers too.Β 

He appears to be very cheeky, cheerful, and full of mischievous ideas. However, in contrast to normal politeness, Lucky could be quite rude to others, mostly strangers and older people, He doesn't have enough trust. He is also one of the quickest-thinking characters and often analyzes a situation with great ease and accuracy. Despite their young appearance, his way of thinking, knowledge, and pragmatism give him the attitude of an adult. Despite his advanced knowledge and level-headed nature, He cares deeply for friends and people he considers family. He prefers to just go by Luck or Lucky most of the time, due to his wanted poster.Β 

The Gacha Gacha no Mi, Is a Paramecia Type Devil fruit that turned the user into a living Capsule Toy Machine. They can produce special items and release various capsules from inside their body. The Way of doing this is via voice command from the user via saying an object type, such as a weapon, food, or anything else they can imagine. Then they must wing their arm down, and special four-point stars on their body somewhere will glow into different colors the RarityΒ of said item will be shown by a set color that the stars will change too.Β 

The System of the Rarity will solely result in the item's strength and power. There appear to be 4 rarity types to this devil fruit, Common, Rare, Super Rare, and Hyper Rare. Common is normally shown by very simple items like food and toys, Rare appears as stronger items, such as weapons. Super Rare, appears even stronger things such as constructs of the mind of the user. While Hyper Rare can alter areas and even generate living constructs from the capsules. Other than this Unique form of System to it, Standard Devil Fruit's weaknesses apply to this fruit.

  • Using his Devil Fruit
  • Having FunΒ 
  • Nibbling on things
  • The Straw-HatsΒ 
  • The Freedom he hasΒ 
  • World Gov
  • Marines
  • Blackbeard Pirates
  • Being called 'Fluffy'
  • Not knowing what's happening


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