Storm Sukaiforu



3 years, 1 month ago


Name: Storm Sukaiforu

Gender: Female

Personality: Storm is a kind and caring person, through and through, which can lead to some naiveity on her part. She wants to believe in the best of people, but she's not stupid, and will exercise basic caution when necessary(she's not just going to hand a Number card over to a stranger. once she knows what a Number card is, that is). She doesn't like seeing people hurt, but is forced to grow more used to it due to getting wrapped up in the conflict over the Number cards. Storm's presence in general is reassuring and bright, and she likes doing things to make other people's lives easier. When on her own, though, Storm enjoys coding and computer science, along with finding it fun to gain more knowledge on various topics. Storm doesn't believe much in revenge, and instead would rather spend that effort cherishing and protecting those close to her.

Deck: Hurricane (ace monster: made this archetype up)

Powers: Duel Transformation - Hurricane Mode; this is similar to Kite's Photon Transformation. It's used to give her more power while dueling, and also allows her to move freely while time is moving much slower than normal due to Orbital 7. The change in appearance is just a side effect, but one she's grown quite used to.

Story: w.i.p. like most all of them. Storm had lived a normal life, until one day, she picked up a card off the ground (which happened to be a Number card). She didn't think much of it at first, but a few days later, when time was mysteriously moving way slower than normal, she was approached by a strange person whistling, who then demanded she duel him for the card, claiming that she would be "hunted" for it. However, given that she noticed that his goal was clearly just obtaining the card, she offered it to him without a duel, which seemed to shock him. Their interaction ended without Storm gaining any more information than that. Hilariously enough, the next day, Storm acquired another Number card, and a few days later, the same stranger appeared before her again in the same fashion, with the same demand. It ends the exact same way, with Storm handing the Number over without any trouble (she had saved it since she recalled he was collecting them). Surprise, surprise, this ordeal happens a third time, though the stranger doesn't bother with the whistling. However, this time, they have a duel, with the stakes as follows: if Storm won, the stranger would tell her why he collects Numbers, while if the stranger won, he would get to inspect her necklace. The duel ends in a draw, and after some discussion, both parties get what they desired. It is only then that Storm learns that this stranger's name is Kite Tenjo/Kaito Tenjou. A few days later, he returns her necklace. They meet several times after this, without Number cards being involved, and grow closer over time, with Storm wanting to help Kite/Kaito with what he was doing.

Romantic Partner: Kite Tenjo/Kaito Tenjou

Friends: the Yuma gang, Niri (her best friend), the Arclights (later)

Enemies: the Barians, the Arclights (formerly)


-Storm also cares a lot about Hart/Haruto, though not as much as Kite/Kaito, for obvious reasons.

-Storm might give people the benefit of the doubt, but she's actually quite intelligent when it comes to most things

-Very competent duelist, and is actually better than most of the Zexal cast (she's not as good as Kite/Kaito though). However, she doesn't like using duels to hurt people, and actively tries to stop conflicts rather than participating in them

-Works with Kite/Kaito to research Barian World, along with eventually fighting alongside him in the conflict

-Storm's necklace is actually a Baria crystal, which Kite/Kaito caught onto as the reason she wasn't corrupted by the Numbers

-After getting involved in the conflict over the Numbers, Storm can often be found sitting in the rain, lamenting the way that things turned out, with all of this fighting

-She started wearing her current outfit to look more like Kite/Kaito (since she thought he was cool) and then it just stuck for her

Design Notes:

-Streak in ponytails does change depending on if she's in Hurricane Mode or not

-See her old ref (second image) for how her duel disk looks from the front (since the new ref only shows the back of the duel disk)

-Hurricane Mode is how Storm looks during duels

-She's a little bit shorter than Kite (like, the top of her head reaches up to the top of his face)

-Her Duel gazer (the purple markings on her left eye) in Hurricane Mode changes the color of her left eye