Abel Silas



3 years, 1 month ago


glykos / gamma / ex-gang leader

"Battle without strategy is nothing better than flailing aimlessly and hoping for luck."
Name Abel Silas
Age 49 (died at 30)
Pronouns he/him
Height 5'11"
Species Candyfloss (Sugarfloss)
Clan Zeta (Cyrokinesis)
    Right now, Abel Silas is dead. Killed by his own younger brother with the intent of taking everything he owed at the time. It came unexpected to him, his last mistake was lowering his guard around his brother on that day.
    In life, Abel was a notorious gang leader. He stole, bribed, blackmailed, killed, you name it. Anything for money. He wasn't known to be nice to his workers either, failure resulted in punishment. Severity varies, depending on how they failed in his eyes. Of course, this means that the people that performed the best got his favor. Because of this, the people that Abel kept on his side was efficient, goal-driven, skilled and deadly people.
    Abel and his group was both hated and feared.
    Abel didn't mind it, both have their own unique benefits in his eyes. Long story short, Abel prefered to rule through strict and authoritative fear.
    That will be his eventual downfall. There will be no one to avenge his murder, the ones he kept close were simply business relationships and the ones that weren't were either left clueless or helpless.
    Abel used to be a much better person with better intentions. Though he was cautious and believed money was the key to everything, he only believed it for the benefit of his younger brother, Cain. These are nothing but old memories that cannot be come back to.