Aleera Moorjani



3 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Aleera Moorjani

Legal Name

Ridhi Shankhar


33 y/o




5'11" (6'0" with heels)


Qiongqi (formerly Byakko)


October 26 (Scorpio)

Place of Employment

Faith Entrapped (Manager)




Mental - Constitution


Dual Scissor Katars (Piercing DMG) & Anklets (post-TS only; Fire DMG)


Mixed Martial Arts

Favorite Food/Drink

Evil Jungle Prince and Mango Lassi


Kirtan Shankhar (father; deceased), Aravis Parola (mother; MIA), Sergio Montalbano (cousin), Chiara Montalbano (first cousin once removed)



Aleera was born overseas and raised by her single father, Kirtan, who was a big name in the international fighting world. Her mother, Aravis, left them when she was a young girl; with no mother figure in her life, it was her and her father against the world. At the height of her father’s career, they moved to Topaz City when she was in middle school. Under her father’s guidance and influence, Aleera began her own martial arts training at a young age in hopes to make a name for herself-- on her efforts alone and not that of her father’s reputation.

Aleera was scouted by Kinjishi when she was 18 years old. While it wasn’t something she planned to pursue long-term, Aleera enjoyed her time at Sugar Haven as a waitress and thought the opportunity would be good to make more friends, as well as money for herself. She worked there for many years until the Third Ambush, where she and her friends were tasked to hold off the approach of Void creatures at the outskirts of Topaz City. She was one of the few Cafe staff that remained, but was forced to watch a friend and coworker, Natalya Bancroft, die from the effects of poison. She still has not forgiven Kinjishi for their neglect to properly train those with little to no fighting experience at all, and resented fact that no one will ever be able to rightfully honor or remember those who died.

After a series of personal troubles, Aleera was later fired when she was 23 years old for mutilating a man with her Topaz weapon-- a man who had been her father’s longtime friend and rival, and Aleera’s trainer and confidant in recent years. He proved to be manipulative and abusive under her father’s nose; Aleera stayed silent on the matter and struggled to put up with it due to the leverage he had over her as someone within the MMA industry. Unbeknownst to her friends and peers, this had been going on during her time at Sugar Haven and long before the Third Ambush.

Combined with the Third Ambush, circumstances soon changed with her father’s unexpected death shortly after and the revelation that this “friend'' had an indirect role in it. Driven by compounded grief, Aleera exacted vengeance on him in the most painful way possible, leaving him near-death with irreparable injuries and unable to speak of the event. After her firing, Mikhail offered her a contract to work for him under the bars. With nothing left to lose and no one left in her life to turn to, Aleera accepted the offer and asked Mikhail to destroy all evidence in exchange.

In the years that followed, Aleera helped build Faith Entrapped to what it was while also assisting behind the scenes on some of the Cafes' missions with her fellow managers, such as "cleaning up" areas of Void creatures and doing their own investigations at the request of Mikhail. Over time, she and the other managers grew frustrated by the lack of preparation Mikhail provided to the Cafes as they had not yet attuned and did not seem to take their roles as protectors seriously. It was then on Halloween 2021 that they took matters in their own hands and, with the assistance of Azur/Jiangli, created the Tower-- a physical manifestation of their thoughts and desires. Although the Tower came with a cost, the managers were successful in giving the cafes a taste of what was to come if the cafes continued as they were.

The event, among a slew of other incidents, would eventually lead to Mikahil's firing and his cease of contact with the Bars. Despite this, Aleera didn't feel or express remorse for what happened; instead, she chided and urged Mikhail to get back up on his feet and do what was necessary to achieve his goals. She felt as though her words fell on deaf ears for a time until Mikhail reappeared again, requesting them to help him one last time ...

Timeskip Summary

After Mikhail's death and the Union's offer to absolve the bars of their crimes, Aleera decided to decline and work alongside her fellow managers to rebuild the Bars from the ground up. She had no intentions of returning to "normal life" after everything they've been through, and opted to stay behind to continue what Mikhail started for those who also chose to remain. Having revealed her identity to Topaz City in E13, she relocated and disappeared from the public eye for a time.

For the next three years, Aleera devoted most of her energies into helping to re-establish the Bars, renovating Faith Entrapped, and assisting in creating the underworld city that the Bars now run. She spent most of her time out of customers' sight, working away at the books behind the scenes, but would join in on missions on the surface whenever necessary. With the Bars in a more comfortable spot of power, Aleera's been shifting her focus to expansion, new business connections, and proceeding with her own personal desire to wield Mystics on a higher level.

Although the future may look promising for the Bars, Aleera doesn't intend for them to fall again.


  Charismatic & Confident

Aleera carries herself with the assurance that she has nothing to prove to you; she doesn’t feel the need to throw her weight around in order to be respected. She will, however, have no problem putting you in your place if you do need a reminder of what the chain of command is. However, Aleera knows her way around a conversation and can be quite convincing when she wants to be with just words alone.


Aleera loves a challenge more than anything. Being put back in the shadows has made Aleera miss finding more opportunities for a challenge and she doesn’t plan on becoming complacent. She finds that you can really learn about a person when you put them to the test-- Pressure makes diamonds, after all. As far as she's come, she knows there will always be room to improve.


Despite what her Chaos alignment suggests, Aleera conducts herself with some honor. She values honoring deals and promises above all else, and is loyal to the Bars and those who have earned her friendship, trust, and respect. As a manager, Aleera looks out for her peers much like a lioness would after her own pride– even if it means going to unsavory lengths.


  • Voice Claim: Embla from FE:Heroes (Mayanna Berrin)
  • “Moorjani” is her paternal grandmother’s maiden name. “Aleera” is just a name she picked for herself that she likes. If you knew her from back when she was at the cafes, she asked others to call her "Aleera" as well.
  • Her phone is always tragically damaged with its screen cracked. The most recent damage was caused by the baddies' vacation in TG!Australia, where she used it to smash a tarantula that caught her by surprise while she was eating.
  • Has scars on her right shoulder to her collarbone from the Broken Loyalty monster from E13.
  • Her nicknames for the other managers are cat themed: Wildcat (King), Queenie (Laila), and Moggie (Mithos). Prior to his death, Aleera used to refer to Mikhail as "Big Cat".