
Name: Leta Valter

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Species: Candyfloss

Clan: Beta

Flavour: Trufflefloss

Age: Six Months

Birthday: May 11th

Height: Smol Baby Size

Lives in: Zeta Territory


Four-Colour Palette - Common

Overhaul Coat Pattern - Rare

Goo Material Horns (Shaped) - Admin

Craft Material Tail - Legendary

Leta’s a kitten that lives with her daddy and two older adopted sisters in Zeta. She’s sleepy most of the time, and very fussy with her food, temperature, toys, and new people, but she loves being cuddled by her family. She loves all the fun pointy, shiny things daddy keeps in his clinic, but gets upset because he won’t let her grab and chew on them. 

Family: Papa Seymour, Masha, Freddi, Miette, Oberon, Auntie Michiko, Auntie Wynn, Mr. Peaches

Some things about the species: 

- Candyfloss do not have noses, fingernails, eyelashes (except honeyfloss), breasts, or any visible genitalia (they can, however, have decorative fake nails and eyelashes)

- Candyfloss have four arms and four digits on their hands and feet (except sourfloss, which have three digits, and honeyfloss, which have six arms)

- The soul gems on their forehead should never be covered by hair, clothes, or accessories unless that Floss has been outcasted from their clan.

Candyfloss are a closed species by Tenshilove.